首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of real estate finance and economics >Real-Estate Risk Effects on Financial Institutions' Stock Return Distribution: a Bivariate GARCH Analysis

Real-Estate Risk Effects on Financial Institutions' Stock Return Distribution: a Bivariate GARCH Analysis


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This paper examines two relationships using the bivariate generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroskedastic (GARCH) methodology. First, the relationship between equity returns of commercial banks, savings and loans (S&Ls) and life insurance companies (LICs), and those of the real-estate investment trusts (REITs), a proxy for the real-estate sector performance. Second, the relationship between conditional volatilities of the stock returns of these financial intermediaries (FIs) and that of REITs. The former relationship allows the spillover of returns between the real-estate and the financial intermediation sector to be analyzed. The latter allows an investigation of the prevalence, direction and strength of inter-sectoral risk transmission to be carried out. Several interesting results are obtained. First, the equity returns of the FIs considered follow a GARCH process and should be modeled accordingly. Second, as found in the literature, returns on REITs should be modeled using the Fama-French multiple factor model. However, this model has to be extended to incorporate a GARCH error structure. Third, all FI returns considered are highly sensitive to REIT returns and the effects are both statistically and economically significant. This is an indication that shocks to REITs returns spillover to the former markets. Fourth, spillover of increased volatility in the real-estate sector to S&Ls and LICs is significant but not to commercial banks.



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