首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Population Research >Births, debts and mirages: The impact of the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) and other factors on Australian fertility expectations

Births, debts and mirages: The impact of the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) and other factors on Australian fertility expectations


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This paper uses survey data to examine the effect of the income-contingent charge mechanism, the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS), and other demographic and attitudinal variables on fertility expectations in Australia over the recent past. HECS requires former Australian students to fund some of the costs of higher education through the repayment of interest-free loans made by the Australian government. Its defining characteristic is that repayments only occur when and if students future incomes exceed a particular level. Since its introduction in 1989, media and other populist commentary has suggested that HECS has had unanticipated effects on behaviour. Most recently, attention has focused on the effects of HECS on fertility, with some arguing that university graduates are delaying births, and having fewer children, because of their HECS debts. This paper demonstrates that the introduction of HECS has had no discernible impact on Australian fertility rates, nor on the number of children that people expect to have. However, education, age and a number of attitudinal factors are associated with significant differences in fertility expectations.
机译:本文使用调查数据来考察收入偶然收费机制,高等教育贡献计划(HECS)以及其他人口和态度变量对澳大利亚过去的生育预期的影响。 HECS要求前澳大利亚学生通过偿还澳大利亚政府提供的无息贷款来支付一些高等教育费用。它的主要特征是,仅当学生的未来收入超过特定水平时才进行还款。自1989年推出以来,媒体和其他民粹主义评论表明,HECS对行为产生了意想不到的影响。最近,注意力集中在HECS对生育的影响上,有人认为大学毕业生由于HECS的债务而推迟了生育,并减少了孩子的数量。本文证明,引入HECS并没有对澳大利亚的生育率以及人们期望的孩子数量产生明显影响。然而,教育程度,年龄和许多态度因素与生育预期的显着差异有关。



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