首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Polymers and the Environment >Styrene/Lignin-Based Polymeric Composites Obtained Through a Sequential Mass-Suspension Polymerization Process

Styrene/Lignin-Based Polymeric Composites Obtained Through a Sequential Mass-Suspension Polymerization Process


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A modified sequential mass-suspension polymerization was employed to ensure adequate dispersion of lignin into the monomeric phase. Due to its complex macromolecular structure and low compatibility with styrene, eucalyptus wood-extracted lignin, via a modified Kraft method, was esterified with methacrylic anhydride to ensure organic phase homogeneity into the reaction medium. Infrared spectroscopy showed a decrease in the hydroxyl band, a characteristic of natural lignin (3200-3400 cm(-1)) and an increase in the characteristic ester band (1720-1740 cm(-1)) whereas nuclear magnetic resonance measurements exhibited intense peaks in the range from 1.7 to 2.05 ppm (-CH3) and 5.4 to 6.2 ppm (=CH2), related to methacrylic anhydride. Comparatively, the esterified lignin also displayed an increase of its glass transition temperature for 98 A degrees C, related to natural lignin, whose T (g) was determined to be equal to 91 A degrees C. Styrene/lignin-based polymers exhibited higher average molar masses in comparison to the values observed for polystyrene synthesized with similar amounts of benzoyl peroxide, due to the ability of lignin to act as a free-radical scavenger. Composites obtained with styrene and natural or esterified lignin were successfully synthesized, presenting regular morphology and proper lignin dispersion. Based on a very simple polymerization system, it is possible to enhance the final properties of polystyrene through the incorporation of lignin, which represents an important platform for developing attractive polymeric materials from renewable resources.
机译:采用改进的顺序质量悬浮聚合以确保木质素充分分散到单体相中。由于其复杂的大分子结构和与苯乙烯的低相容性,通过改良的Kraft方法,将桉木提取的木质素与甲基丙烯酸酐酯化,以确保有机相均匀进入反应介质。红外光谱显示羟基带减少,天然木质素的特征(3200-3400 cm(-1))和特征酯带(1720-1740 cm(-1))增加,而核磁共振测量显示强烈与甲基丙烯酸酐有关的峰的范围为1.7至2.05 ppm(-CH3)和5.4至6.2 ppm(= CH2)。相比之下,与天然木质素有关,酯化木质素还显示出其玻璃化转变温度提高了98 A,而天然木质素的T(g)等于91 A摄氏度。苯乙烯/木质素基聚合物的平均值更高由于木质素具有自由基清除剂的能力,因此与使用相似量的过氧化苯甲酰合成的聚苯乙烯所观察到的值相比,摩尔质量更高。成功地合成了由苯乙烯与天然或酯化木质素获得的复合材料,呈现出规则的形态和适当的木质素分散性。基于非常简单的聚合系统,可以通过引入木质素来增强聚苯乙烯的最终性能,木质素代表了从可再生资源开发有吸引力的聚合物材料的重要平台。



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