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Trade liberalization evaluation (TLE) methodology response to a reader's comments


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I would like to thank Dr. Philippe Lombaerde for his comments about my paper entitled "Trade Liberalization Evaluation (TLE) Methodology" (Ruiz Estrada, 2004). I am aware that for any new theory, theorem, model and methodology, the initial stage is bound to be presented with weaknesses; these weaknesses can usually be addressed. The TLE-Methodology is thus open to any constructive comments that could lead to rectification of its weaknesses and general improvement. The purpose of "Trade Liberalization Evaluation (TLE) Methodology" is to propose a new analytical tool to policy makers, academics and students, to study and analyze trade liberalization from a different perspective. I should mention that the research pertaining to TLE-Methodology, I did not involve conventional analytical methods and approaches to the study from the perspectives of intra-regional trade intensities, intra-regional trade potential and the natural market characteristics of a region and other regression approaches. TLE-Methodology focuses on revaluate the past and present trade barriers structures trends of any country or region based on a new series of indicators. This analytical tool has six basic indicators to study trade liberalization trends in four production sectors (Xi) respectively: agriculture trade liberalization index (X1), heavy industry trade liberalization index (X2), light industry trade liberalization index (X3), and services trade liberalization index (X4). The fifth indicator is the area of coverage of trade liberalization (ACTL)-and the last indicator the trade liberalization stage (TLS).
机译:我要感谢Philippe Lombaerde博士对我题为“贸易自由化评估(TLE)方法论”的论文的评论(Ruiz Estrada,2004年)。我知道,对于任何新的理论,定理,模型和方法论,初期必定会存在弱点。这些弱点通常可以解决。因此,TLE方法论对任何建设性的评论持开放态度,这些评论可能导致其弱点得到纠正和总体改善。 “贸易自由化评估(TLE)方法论”的目的是为政策制定者,学者和学生提供一种新的分析工具,以便从不同的角度研究和分析贸易自由化。我应该提到与TLE方法有关的研究,我并未涉及从区域内贸易强度,区域内贸易潜力以及区域的自然市场特征和其他回归的角度进行研究的常规分析方法和方法。方法。 TLE方法论着重于根据一系列新指标重新评估任何国家或地区的过去和现在的贸易壁垒结构趋势。该分析工具有六个基本指标分别研究四个生产部门(Xi)的贸易自由化趋势:农业贸易自由化指数(X1),重工业贸易自由化指数(X2),轻工业贸易自由化指数(X3)和服务贸易开放指数(X4)。第五个指标是贸易自由化的覆盖范围(ACTL),最后一个指标是贸易自由化阶段(TLS)。



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