首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of North African Studies >Omar al-Mukhtar: the formation of cultural memory and the case of the militant group that bears his name

Omar al-Mukhtar: the formation of cultural memory and the case of the militant group that bears his name

机译:奥马尔·穆赫塔尔(Omar al-Mukhtar):文化记忆的形成以及以他的名字命名的激进组织的案例

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This paper investigates how the martyr figure of Omar al-Mukhtar (1858-1931) became a popular transnational icon in Africa, Asia and the Arab world. Originally part of the history of Cyrenaica, Omar al-Mukhtar became part of Arab culture during the struggle against colonialism and is now part of a suggested Arab 'imagined community'. The paper explores how his memory has been shaped in new and multiple ways in contemporary culture and politics of Middle East and North Africa. Al-Mukhtar's historic character has crossed the Libyan boundaries and the Cyrenaican leader became instrumental not only in the history of modern Libya, but contributed to the formation of different forms of Arab nationalism during their struggle against colonialism. The authors investigate how the construction of martyrdom developed and show that the pattern of collective memory did not proceed unambiguously. Further, they demonstrate how the martyr's legacy has been and is still utilised for political mobilisation and make the case by studying the activities of transnational insurrection groups - the 'brigades' or 'forces of Omar al-Mukhtar' from its original inceptions to recent occurrences.
机译:本文研究了奥马尔·穆克塔尔(Omar al-Mukhtar)(1858-1931)的烈士形象如何在非洲,亚洲和阿拉伯世界成为流行的跨国偶像。奥马尔·穆克塔尔(Omar al-Mukhtar)最初是Cyrenaica历史的一部分,后来在反对殖民主义的斗争中成为阿拉伯文化的一部分,现在已成为阿拉伯“想象中的社区”的一部分。本文探讨了他的记忆在中东和北非的当代文化和政治中是如何以新的和多种方式塑造的。穆赫塔尔(Al-Mukhtar)的历史人物跨越了利比亚的边界,而这位塞拉尼昂领导人不仅在现代利比亚的历史上发挥了重要作用,而且在他们与殖民主义的斗争中促成了各种形式的阿拉伯民族主义的形成。作者研究了yr难的建设是如何发展的,并表明集体记忆的模式并没有明确进行。此外,他们展示了烈士的遗产如何被利用,并仍被用于动员政治,并通过研究跨国起义团体的活动(从最初的成立到最近发生的“奥马尔·穆克塔尔力量”或“奥马尔·穆克塔尔力量”)开展案例研究。 。



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