首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Management History >Viewing the work of Lillian M. Gilbreth through the lens of critical biography

Viewing the work of Lillian M. Gilbreth through the lens of critical biography


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the significant contributions of Lillian M. Gilbreth through the lens of critical biography to put her work in the context of her life events, her key roles, the turning points in her life and the societal context within which her contributions to management thought were made. Design/methodology/approach - Critical biography examines the interaction of a person's life events with the social, economic and political contexts surrounding his or her life and draws inferences as to why the person made specific decisions and contributions. Findings - Key contributions to management thought made by Lillian M. Gilbreth are linked to her biographical events, including the multiple roles she played as daughter, student, wife, mother, author, engineer, psychologist, breadwinner, domestic scientist and teacher. Various turning points in her life are identified, including being allowed to go to college, taking her first psychology course, marrying Frank Gilbreth, publishing Fatigue Studies and Frank's death. Key societal factors that influenced Gilbreth's contributions were the growing interest in scientific management, the status of women and the increased interest in domestic science. Research limitations/implications - The qualitative technique of critical biography is demonstrated as a useful methodology for examining individual contributions to management history. The authors acknowledge the limitation of subjective interpretation. Practical implications - The reasons behind Lillian Gilbreth's contributions, which were considered a precursor to the human relations era, are extrapolated from this research. Social implications - The influence of social context is examined, as it pertains to the life and work of Lillian Gilbreth. Originality/value - This paper provides a critical biography of Lillian M. Gilbreth and her work within the context of her life and times.
机译:目的-本文的目的是通过批判传记的角度考察莉莲·吉尔布雷斯(Lillian M. Gilbreth)的重要贡献,以便将她的作品置于生活事件,她的关键角色,她的生活转折点和社会环境中在其中她对管理思想做出了贡献。设计/方法/方法-批判传记考察了一个人的生活事件与他或她生活中的社会,经济和政治环境之间的相互作用,并推断出该人为何做出特定决定和做出贡献。调查结果-莉莲·吉尔布雷斯(Lillian M. Gilbreth)对管理思想的主要贡献与她的传记事件有关,包括她担任女儿,学生,妻子,母亲,作家,工程师,心理学家,养家糊口的人,家庭科学家和老师的多重角色。确定了她生活中的各种转折点,包括被允许上大学,参加第一门心理学课程,与弗兰克·吉尔布雷斯(Frank Gilbreth)结婚,出版《疲劳研究》和弗兰克的死。影响Gilbreth贡献的关键社会因素是对科学管理的兴趣日益增长,妇女地位以及对家庭科学的兴趣日益增加。研究的局限性/意义-批判传记的定性技术被证明是检查个人对管理历史贡献的有用方法。作者承认主观解释的局限性。实际意义-从这项研究中可以推断出莉莲·吉尔布雷斯(Lillian Gilbreth)做出贡献的原因,这些原因被认为是人类关系时代的先驱。社会影响-研究社会环境的影响,因为它与Lillian Gilbreth的生活和工作有关。原创性/价值-本文提供了莉莲·吉尔布雷斯(Lillian M. Gilbreth)及其生活和时代背景下的重要传记。



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