首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Management in Engineering >The Forest and the Trees: A Systems Map of Governance Interdependencies in the Shaping Phase of Road Public-Private Partnerships

The Forest and the Trees: A Systems Map of Governance Interdependencies in the Shaping Phase of Road Public-Private Partnerships


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The emergence of public-private partnerships (PPPs) over the last few decades has prompted multiple literature reviews of the PPP body of knowledge. However, these studies typically report thematic classifications and bibliometric data. Based on the concept of governance, this paper takes a systems approach to synthesize evidence around complexities of the shaping phase of road PPPs. The approach employs a textual analysis of road PPP case studies reported in archival papers listed in Scopus and Web of Science between 1997 and 2018 and uses the system dynamics method to provide a holistic view, synthesizing major insights and layout interdependencies across financial, operational, and sociopolitical variables. The outcome of this endeavor is a systems map, which helps consolidate varying evidence from the past cases, and goes beyond a narrow focus on single causes of governance issues in road PPPs. Results show that, although no silver bullet exists for PPP governance problems, reaching satisfactory feasibility levels in the shaping phase is enabled most by having government agencies highly capable of dealing with procurement issues and generating attractive projects to the private sector. The map provides a synopsis of the relationships (the forest) as well as insights into the variables (the trees) behind PPP shaping efforts.
机译:在过去的几十年中,公私伙伴关系(PPPs)的出现促使人们对PPP知识体系进行了许多文献回顾。但是,这些研究通常会报告主题分类和文献计量数据。基于治理的概念,本文采用系统方法来综合围绕道路PPP形成阶段复杂性的证据。该方法采用了Scopus和Web of Science在1997年至2018年间列出的档案文件中报告的道路PPP案例研究的文本分析,并使用系统动力学方法提供了一个整体视图,综合了财务,运营和财务方面的主要见解和布局相互依存关系社会政治变量。这项工作的结果是建立一个系统图,该图有助于整合过去案例中的各种证据,并且不仅仅局限于道路公私合作中治理问题的单一原因。结果表明,尽管没有解决PPP治理问题的灵丹妙药,但通过使政府机构有能力应对采购问题并为私营部门创造有吸引力的项目,在塑造阶段就可以达到令人满意的可行性水平。该地图提供了关系(森林)的提要以及对PPP塑造工作背后的变量(树)的见解。



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