首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Management Development >Wisdom and now managerial wisdom: do they have a place in management development programs?

Wisdom and now managerial wisdom: do they have a place in management development programs?


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The study of "wisdom" is a subject normally outside the traditional bounds of management studies. Recent financial scandals and management blunders suggest that the time is ripe to introduce, via management development programs, an introductory study into the nature of "wisdom", and followed by further study into the nature of "managerial wisdom ". Decisions are being made by people practising management which demonstrate that they do not know how to exercise good judgement, nor do they demonstrate that they have an understanding of what it means to be "wise". This paper looks at the way philosophers have addressed the topic of wisdom from Greco-Roman times. It includes references to wisdom in history and literature. The paper summarises some of the ideas and developments of more recent research published in psychology journals. It is an extension of ideas expressed in an earlier paper published in this journal viz. "Philosophy in management: a new trend in management development". Both these papers suggest that management development studies should include areas of study more akin to the great classical tradition, where education is aimed at developing the "whole person". An introductory study of "philosophy in management", and "wisdom" in particular, are seen as two ways of expanding the present offerings in management studies.
机译:“智慧”的研究通常不在管理研究的传统范围之内。最近的财务丑闻和管理失误表明,通过管理发展计划对“智慧”的性质进行介绍性研究,然后对“管理智慧”的性质进行进一步研究的时机已经成熟。从事管理工作的人员正在做出决定,这些决定表明他们不知道如何执行良好的判断力,也没有表明他们了解“明智”的含义。本文探讨了哲学家如何解决古罗马时代的智慧问题。它包括对历史和文学智慧的引用。本文总结了心理学期刊上发表的最新研究的一些观点和发展。这是在本期刊上发表的早期论文中表达的思想的扩展。 “管理哲学:管理发展的新趋势”。这两篇论文都表明,管理发展研究应包括更类似于古典经典的研究领域,在古典传统中,教育旨在培养“整个人”。对“管理哲学”(特别是“智慧”)的介绍性研究被视为扩展现有管理研究成果的两种方式。



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