首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of law, economics, & organization >The Effects of Electoral Incentives on Fiscal Policy: Evidence from a Legislative Change at the Local Government Level

The Effects of Electoral Incentives on Fiscal Policy: Evidence from a Legislative Change at the Local Government Level


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This paper analyzes how electoral incentives shape fiscal policy, focusing on the introduction of mayoral term limits in Portugal. Applying a difference-in-differences approach, we find evidence that when a municipality has a term-limited (TL) mayor, it experiences a fall in revenues and expenditures. The effect seems to be driven by lower effort of lame-duck mayors, relative to reelection-eligible ones, to implement new investments and to obtain conditional grants from the central government, especially in election years. Although lame ducks are less opportunistic in general, the results suggest that opportunism may not decrease in municipalities whose TL mayors resign before the end of their terms and are replaced by their (eligible) vice-mayors.
机译:本文分析了选举激励措施的形式财政政策,重点是在葡萄牙引入市长期限限制。应用差异差异差异化方法,我们发现证据表明,当市政府有一项有限的(TL)市长时,它会遭受收入和支出的堕落。这种效果似乎是跛脚市长,相对于重选合格资格的努力,实施新投资,并获得中央政府的条件补助金,特别是在选举年份。虽然跛足的鸭子一般不太机会主义,但结果表明,机会主义可能不会在市政当局减少,其TL Mayors在其条款结束之前辞职,并由其(符合条件)的副市长取代。



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