首页> 外文期刊>Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering >Decision Support Systems for Efficient Irrigation in the Middle Rio Grande Valley

Decision Support Systems for Efficient Irrigation in the Middle Rio Grande Valley


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Water is. the lifeblood of the American West and the foundation of its economy, but it remains its scarcest resource. The explosive population growth in western United States, the emerging additional need for water for environmental uses, and the national importance of the domestic food production are driving major conflicts between these competing water uses. The case of the Middle Rio Grande illustrates the problem very well. The river is the ecological backbone of the Chihuahuan Desert region in the western United States, and supports its dynamic and diverse ecology, including the fish and wildlife habitat. The Rio Grande Silvery Minnow is federally listed as an endangered species, and the irrigated agriculture in the Middle Rio Grande has come under increasing pressure to reduce its water consumption and maintain the desired level of service to its water users. This paper will present the writers ongoing research on options to make irrigation system operations more efficient in the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District (MRGCD). Specifically, it will describe formulation and implementation of a decision support system (DSS) that can assist the MRGCD managers to more efficiently plan and implement their water delivery operations, thereby reducing river diversions. The MRGCD DSS uses linear programming to find an optimum water delivery schedule for canal service areas in the MRGCD irrigation system. The computer model is presently formulated along with the related data sets for two of the four divisions in the MRGCD. For the past 3 years, the model has been validated in the field and the evaluation indicates that the model recommendations are realistic and represent current management practices. The future plans are to complete the data files for the irrigation networks in the remaining two divisions and concurrently help the MRGCD implement the DSS to guide water delivery operation.
机译:水是。它是美国西部的命脉和经济基础,但仍然是其最稀缺的资源。美国西部人口的爆炸性增长,对用于环境用途的水的新出现的需求以及国内粮食生产的国家重要性正在推动这些相互竞争的用水之间的重大冲突。大里约热内卢的案子很好地说明了这个问题。这条河是美国西部奇瓦瓦沙漠地区的生态支柱,并支持其充满活力和多样化的生态,包括鱼类和野生动植物栖息地。里奥格兰德州的银色小鱼被联邦政府列为濒危物种,并且在里奥格兰德州中部的灌溉农业承受着越来越大的压力,以减少其用水量并保持对用水者的期望服务水平。本文将向作者介绍有关使中里约格兰德自然保护区(MRGCD)的灌溉系统运行更有效率的选择方案的正在进行的研究。具体来说,它将描述决策支持系统(DSS)的制定和实施,该决策支持系统可以帮助MRGCD管理者更有效地计划和实施其输水业务,从而减少河流的引流。 MRGCD DSS使用线性规划来找到MRGCD灌溉系统中运河服务区的最佳供水时间表。目前,计算机模型是与MRGCD中四个部门中的两个部门的相关数据集一起制定的。在过去的三年中,该模型已在现场进行了验证,评估表明该模型建议是切合实际的,并且代表了当前的管理实践。未来的计划是完成其余两个分区中灌溉网络的数据文件,并同时帮助MRGCD实施DSS指导输水操作。



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