首页> 外文期刊>Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering >Irrigation System Modernization: Case Study of the Middle Rio Grande Valley

Irrigation System Modernization: Case Study of the Middle Rio Grande Valley


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The Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District (MRGCD) was officially founded in the 1920s, but it may well he the oldest operating irrigation system in North America. Currently the MRGCD serves about 22,300 ha of irrigated land and provides additional benefits to the Middle Rio Grande MRG Valley by providing proper soil drainage and protection against flooding. In recent years, the demand for water in the MRG Valley has increased drastically due to explosive population growth, expanding industry, and water allocated for environmental and ecological concerns, which include two federally listed endangered species-the silvery minnow (Hy-bognathus amarus) and the southwestern willow fly catcher (Empidonax traillii extimus). In response to the call for more efficient water use, the MRGCD embarked on a program of irrigation system modernization with supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) incorporation. Over the past few years, the MRGCD has developed a SCADA system focused on improving water use efficiency throughout the MRG Valley. This paper examines the five components of the system and how each component was developed and incorporated in the overall SCADA system. The SCADA system and related improvements in operational practices have reduced MRGCD river diversions from 7.4 × 10~8 m~3/year a decade ago to an average of 4.3172 × 10~ nrVyear over the last 3 years.
机译:中里奥格兰德自然保护区(MRGCD)正式成立于1920年代,但它很可能是北美最古老的灌溉系统。目前,MRGCD为约22,300公顷的灌溉土地提供服务,并通过提供适当的土壤排水和防洪保护,为中里奥格兰德州MRG山谷带来更多好处。近年来,由于人口爆炸性增长,工业发展以及分配给环境和生态问题的水,包括两个联邦列出的濒危物种银min鱼(Hy-bognathus amarus),MRG谷对水的需求急剧增加。和西南的柳蝇捕蝇器(Empidonax Traillii extimus)。为了提高用水效率,MRGCD着手实施一项灌溉系统现代化计划,其中纳入了监督控制和数据采集(SCADA)功能。在过去的几年中,MRGCD开发了一个SCADA系统,致力于提高整个MRG山谷的用水效率。本文研究了系统的五个组件,以及如何开发每个组件并将其整合到整个SCADA系统中。 SCADA系统和相关操作实践的改进已将MRGCD的河流改道从十年前的7.4×10〜8 m〜3 /年减少到过去三年的平均4.3172×10〜nrV年。



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