首页> 外文期刊>Journal of International Money and Finance >Dealing with the Dutch disease: Fiscal rules and macro-prudential policies

Dealing with the Dutch disease: Fiscal rules and macro-prudential policies


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We evaluate from a welfare perspective three policy alternatives frequently proposed to deal with Dutch-disease problems originated from cyclical movements in commodity prices. Namely, fiscal rules for government expenditures, capital controls, and taxes to domestic lending. To this end, we develop a DSGE model of a small open economy with a sectoral decomposition that features three distinctive characteristics: financial frictions, a learning-by-doing externality in the industrial sector, and a fraction of households being non-Ricardian (credit constrained). The first two features induce inefficient relocations after commodity shocks, while the later is relevant to study the role of fiscal rules. We calibrate the model using Chilean data, applying an impulse-response-matching approach. For each of the policy tools, we analyze optimal simple rules from a welfare (Ramsey) perspective, describing how different households rank the several policy alternatives, and studying how each of the models features shape the optimal policy design. A general conclusion of the analysis is that the included Dutch-disease inefficiencies are of limited quantitative relevance in analyzing the desirability of these policies from a welfare perspective. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:我们从福利的角度评估经常提出的三种替代方案,以应对源自商品价格周期性波动的荷兰病问题。即,关于政府支出,资本控制和国内贷款税收的财政规则。为此,我们开发了具有部门分解特征的小型开放经济的DSGE模型,该模型具有三个显着特征:金融摩擦,工业部门的边做边学外部性以及部分非里卡多家庭(信贷受限)。前两个特征导致大宗商品冲击后重新安置的效率低下,而后一个特征与研究财政规则的作用有关。我们使用脉冲响应匹配方法使用智利数据校准模型。对于每种政策工具,我们从福利(Ramsey)角度分析最佳简单规则,描述不同家庭如何对几种替代政策进行排名,并研究每种模型的特征如何塑造最佳政策设计。该分析的总体结论是,从福利的角度分析这些政策的可取性时,所包括的荷兰疾病低效率在数量上的相关性有限。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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