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Legal Professionalism and International Criminal Proceedings


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In criminal practice before international tribunals, the boundaries between lack of professionalism (serious misconduct) by prosecution and taking an erroneous position on the law (procedural error) are particularly blurred, if only because the backgrounds and expectations of all persons involved in the proceedings are profoundly different and the playing field is still insufficiently defined. This is illustrated by the Furundžija case brought before an International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) Trial Chamber in 1998. In that case the Chamber held that the prosecution, by failing to disclose a document to the defence, had both engaged in serious misconduct and made a serious procedural error. Instead, the Lord Advocate and the Crown Agent of Scotland, later consulted by the ICTY Prosecutor, concluded that there had only been an error of judgment. National case law, for instance that of Canadian courts, makes it clear that a good faith decision not to disclose a document, made in the exercise of professional judgment on a difficult and novel issue, may constitute an error of judgment, but certainly does not amount to misconduct.
机译:在国际法庭审理的刑事实践中,仅由于诉讼所有人的背景和期望都很高,在起诉缺乏专业性(严重的不当行为)与对法律采取错误立场(程序错误)之间的界限就特别模糊了。两者之间的差异非常大,而竞技场的定义仍然不够。 1998年前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭(ICTY)审判分庭提出的Furundžija案就是例证。在该案中,审判分庭认为,由于未向辩方披露文件,检方均进行了认真的调查。不当行为,并造成严重的程序错误。后来,前南问题国际法庭检察官咨询了苏格兰首席辩护人和苏格兰皇家检察官,得出的结论是,判决只是错误。国家判例法(例如加拿大法院的判例法)明确指出,出于对一个困难而新颖的问题的专业判断而做出的不披露文件的诚实信用决定可能构成判决错误,但当然不会构成不当行为。



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