首页> 外文期刊>Journal of International Criminal Justice >Criminals as Manipulative Witnesses

Criminals as Manipulative Witnesses


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Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski was one of the highest-ranking SS leaders during the Second World War. He was involved in some of the worst Nazi crimes, from Auschwitz to mass killings and anti-partisan warfare in Russia. From 1945 until 1949 he was in US custody in Nuremberg prison. Yet he was never indicted, instead appearing as a witness for the prosecution before the International Military Tribunal and three of the Nuremberg successor trials. In 1949, the US prosecutors handed him over to the German Denazification Boards, where provision had been made for shifting the burden of proof from the prosecution to the accused (who had to show that, although they were members of criminal organizations, they had not committed crimes). In 1951, he was sentenced as a major perpetrator to the highest available penalty of 10 years’ imprisonment. At this time, however, the denazification programme as a transitional measure was being dismantled, and Bach regained his liberty. The third and final way of dealing with Bach after the war was by means of the ordinary German legal system. Multiple investigations were commenced; one led to a trial and three life sentences for the murder of political adversaries — but not for the historically much more significant crimes in which Bach had been involved. Bach’s case illustrates the perversity of criminals offering testimony for the prosecution and the logic of criminal punishment. The failure to punish Nazi perpetrators is often linked to the lack of political will. Bach’s case shows that the outcome of a case can involve a combination of complex legal, strategic and practical choices which investigators, prosecutors and courts need to take into account.
机译:埃里希·冯·德姆·巴赫·泽列夫斯基(Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski)是第二次世界大战期间最高等级的党卫军领导人之一。他参与了一些最严重的纳粹罪行,从奥斯威辛集中营到俄罗斯的大规模杀戮和反党派战争。从1945年到1949年,他在纽伦堡监狱中被美国拘留。然而,他从未遭到起诉,而是在国际军事法庭和纽伦堡三项后续审判中作为起诉的证人出庭。 1949年,美国检察官将他移交给德国脱纳兹舞委员会,其中规定将举证责任从起诉移交给被告(后者必须证明,尽管他们是犯罪组织的成员,但他们没有犯罪)。 1951年,他被判处主要犯罪者,可处以10年有期徒刑的最高刑罚。然而,这时,作为过渡措施的消纳化程序正在被拆除,巴赫重新获得了自由。战后与巴赫打交道的第三种也是最后一种方式是借助普通的德国法律制度。开始了多次调查;一个人因谋杀政治对手而被判处三项无期徒刑,但因与巴赫牵涉的历史上更为重大的罪行而被判无期徒刑。巴赫(Bach)的案子说明了犯罪分子提供起诉的证言和刑事处罚的逻辑。惩罚纳粹犯罪者的失败往往与缺乏政治意愿有关。巴赫的案件表明,案件的结果可能涉及复杂的法律,战略和实践选择,调查人员,检察官和法院需要考虑这些选择。



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