首页> 外文期刊>Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India) >Assessment of Water Supply-Demand Using Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) Model for Ur River Watershed, Madhya Pradesh, India

Assessment of Water Supply-Demand Using Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) Model for Ur River Watershed, Madhya Pradesh, India


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Many watersheds experience scarcity of water for agricultural and domestic use for most part of the year. Ur river watershed in Tikamgarh district of Madhya Pradesh, India, falls under a drought prone region of India. Water allocation and management are essential for sustainable agriculture for this region. Water Evaluation and Planning system (WEAP)-based decision support system can prove to be an effective tool for water allocation, supply and demand analysis. In the present study, spatially distributed model by using WEAP-MABIA method has been developed for analysis and simulation of agricultural water demands in the Ur river watershed. WEAP-MABIA method uses dual crop coefficient approach which helps in computing the separate soil evaporation and transpiration under various water availability situations. Year 2012-2013 is used as base year for customizing WEAP model for 8 subwatersheds. The model was calibrated using PEST tool, available in WEAP. The calibrated model was used for estimating future water demands and unmet demands by using future climate series, from 2015 to 2030, of IPCC scenario- RCP 4.5 of GDFL-ESM2M model. As per GFDLESM2M model (RCP4.5) predictions, rainfall is going to greatly vary in the coming years. The years 2020-2021 and 2028-2029 may experience very dry climatic conditions with 500 mm or less annual rainfall, while 2017-2018, 2023-2024 and 2025-2026 may experience heavy showers (1200 mm). Straight effects of this rainfall pattern could be seen in future water availability for agriculture and resultant crop yield. A high unmet demand exists in the case of agriculture since the first priority for water supply is meant to be for domestic purpose. Area under agriculture in Ur river watershed is large, while respective water supply is low. This gap puts an extra pressure on water resources leading to over extraction of groundwater and related problems. Looking at this scenario, water allocation requires great attention to narrow down the gap between existing demands and water supply. Since area under agriculture is large, water-efficient crops should be more emphasized. Also, efficient agricultural practices and rain water harvesting should be promoted in the study area. Since the watershed falls in semiarid condition and river flows are seasonal, different stress/deficit irrigation scenarios can be built using customized WEAP model to get higher yield.
机译:在这一年的大部分时间里,许多流域的农业和家庭用水短缺。印度中央邦蒂卡姆加尔区的乌尔河分水岭属于印度干旱多发地区。水资源的分配和管理对于该地区的可持续农业至关重要。基于水评估和计划系统(WEAP)的决策支持系统可以证明是进行水分配,供需分析的有效工具。在本研究中,已开发出使用WEAP-MABIA方法的空间分布模型,用于分析和模拟Ur河流域的农业需水量。 WEAP-MABIA方法使用双重作物系数方法,可帮助计算在各种可用水情况下单独的土壤蒸发和蒸腾作用。 2012-2013年用作自定义8个子流域的WEAP模型的基准年。使用WEAP中提供的PEST工具对模型进行了校准。通过使用IPCC情景GDFL-ESM2M模型的RCP 4.5的2015年至2030年的未来气候系列,使用校准后的模型来估算未来的用水需求和未满足的需求。根据GFDLESM2M模型(RCP4.5)的预测,未来几年降雨量将发生很大变化。 2020-2021年和2028-2029年可能会遇到非常干燥的气候条件,年降雨量不超过500毫米,而2017-2018年,2023-2024和2025-2026年可能会遇到强阵雨(1200毫米)。这种降雨模式的直接影响可以在未来农业用水量和作物产量中看到。由于农业的首要任务是为家庭目的,因此农业的需求缺口很大。乌尔河流域的农业面积大,而各自的供水却很少。这种差距给水资源带来了额外的压力,导致过度开采地下水和相关问题。在这种情况下,需要特别注意调水,以缩小现有需求和供水之间的差距。由于农业面积大,应更加重视节水作物。此外,研究区域应促进有效的农业实践和雨水收集。由于分水岭处于半干旱条件下并且河流流量是季节性的,因此可以使用定制的WEAP模型建立不同的压力/亏缺灌溉方案,以获得更高的产量。



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