首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Institute of Brewing >Determination of the influence of starch sources and mashing procedures on the range of the molecular weight distribution of beer using field-flow fractionation

Determination of the influence of starch sources and mashing procedures on the range of the molecular weight distribution of beer using field-flow fractionation


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To produce experimental beers, different mash mixtures (barley malt, barley malt + 30% pre-cooked maize, barley malt + 30% nonmalted spelt) and distinct mashing procedures (infusion and decoction) with variations of the rest time and initial temperatures were evaluated. The range of molecular weight distribution (MWD) of the resulting beers was determined using asymmetrical flow field flow fractionation coupled to multiangle laser light scattering and refractive index. There were no differences on the range of MWD among the beers, according to infusion or decoction, using similar raw materials and initial temperatures (45 and 55℃). However the range of MWD was higher (p < 0.005) when using infusion at an initial temperature of 63℃, regardless of the raw material. The use of maize did not alter structural properties of the beer, while mash containing nonmalting spelt caused an elevation on the MWD (p < 0.001) and a lower (p < 0.05) apparent degree of fermentation. Therefore the range of the MWD of the beers was influenced by the quality of the raw material and the initial mashing temperature, whereas apparent degree of fermentation values were affected only by the type of starch source. Thus the determination of the MWD is an important tool for monitoring the production of beer.
机译:为了生产实验啤酒,评估了不同的浆混合物(大麦芽,大麦芽+ 30%预煮玉米,大麦芽+ 30%未发芽的麦芽)和不同的捣碎程序(浸泡和煎煮),并改变了休息时间和初始温度。所产生啤酒的分子量分布(MWD)范围是使用不对称流场流动分级法,结合多角度激光散射和折射率来确定的。使用相似的原料和初始温度(45和55℃),根据输注或煎煮,啤酒中MWD的范围没有差异。但是,不管原料是什么,在初始温度为63℃下使用输注时,MWD的范围都较高(p <0.005)。玉米的使用不会改变啤酒的结构特性,而含有非麦芽的麦芽糊会导致MWD升高(p <0.001)和发酵度降低(p <0.05)。因此,啤酒的MWD范围受原料质量和初始糖化温度的影响,而表观发酵度值仅受淀粉来源的类型影响。因此,MWD的测定是监测啤酒生产的重要工具。



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