首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Housing & Community Development >Social Housing and Neighborhood Developmentin Hannover: A Case Study

Social Housing and Neighborhood Developmentin Hannover: A Case Study


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SHOULD AN AFFORDABLE housing provider (e.g., social housing companies in Germany, public housing agencies in the United States) focus all its energy on being an excellent housing provider? Why worry about social issues when there are other agencies who can focus on these themes? When looking for ways to improve the well-being of their clients, many public housing agencies in the United States take an approach of direct involvement in the social services aspect of their clients' lives. They hire social workers, community builders and Family Self-Sufficiency specialists to provide assistance that is often very focused on the individual or family. Other housing agen-cies partner with outside organizations to bring extra services and opportunities to the families being served. Regardless of the varying models employed, the question remains: what is the housing provider's place in providing community services and social help? This piece provides a look at one German social housing company's answer.



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