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The Colonisation of Time: Ritual, Routine and Resistance in the British Empire


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In the preface to his The Writing of History (1988), Michel de Certeau describes the encounter between Amerigo Vespucci and Indian America as one between conqueror and 'an unnamed presence of difference' (p. xxv). The visual allegory behind this description is a seventeenth-century etching by Jan van der Straet, through which de Certeau predicts 'the conqueror will write the body of the other and trace there his own history' (p. xxv). This, de Certeau reminds us, 'is writing that conquers' (p. xxvi). Giordano Nanni's book examines a more recent encounter, which, nevertheless, contributes to the very same story: nineteenth-century British settlers and missionaries writing the body of the other, their practices, their beliefs, their worldviews, and their land, in Victoria, Australia and Cape Colony, South Africa.
机译:在《历史写作》(The Writing of History,1988)的序言中,米歇尔·德·塞多(Michel de Certeau)将亚美利哥·韦斯普奇(Amerigo Vespucci)与印度裔美国人之间的相遇描述为征服者与“无名的差异存在”之间的遭遇(p。xxv)。这种描述背后的视觉寓言是扬·范·德·斯特雷特(Jan van der Straet)的十七世纪蚀刻版画,德·塞多(de Certeau)通过这幅画预言“征服者将写下对方的尸体,并在那里追溯自己的历史”(第xxv页)。 de Certeau提醒我们,这是“正在征服的文字”(第xxvi页)。佐丹奴·南尼(Giordano Nanni)的书考察了最近的一次相遇,但这次相遇却促成了同样的故事:19世纪的英国定居者和传教士在维多利亚州写着彼此的尸体,习俗,信仰,世界观和土地。澳大利亚和南非开普殖民地。



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