首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology >Ammonia and urea excretion of the nemertean Procephalothrix simulus Iwata: effects of salinity, temperature, body weight and amputation

Ammonia and urea excretion of the nemertean Procephalothrix simulus Iwata: effects of salinity, temperature, body weight and amputation


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The total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) and urea nitrogen excretion of the nemertean Procephalothrix simulus Iwata was determined under different conditions. Both of its ammonia and urea excretion rates increased with the elevation of water temperature, and the relationship between the TAN excretion rate and water temperature could be described by TAN (μg N g~(-1)h~(-1))=20.510e~(0.071t) (R~2=0.943, F=83.47, P < 0.001). When the salinity was elevated from 10per thousand to 45per thousand, the ammonia excretion rate firstly increased and then decreased, with the peak value being obtained at 20per thousand. The urea excretion, however, showed a positive relationship with salinity. The whole animal TAN excretion increased with the increase of body weight [TAN (μg N h~(-1))=15.853 W~(0.65) (R~2=0.871, F=458.73, P < 0.001)], while the weight specific rate of TAN excretion was negatively related with body weight [TAN (μg N g~(-1) h~(-1)) = 15.858W~(-0.35) (R~2=0.661, F=132.55, P < 0.001)]. When worms were bisected, the anterior body fragments had lower and the posterior body fragments had higher TAN excretion rate, suggesting that most of the ammonia was not eliminated by the excretory organs in this nemertean species. Results also showed that the anterior body fragments were faster than the posterior body fragments in regaining the normal level of ammonia excretion.
机译:在不同的条件下测定了模拟的岩手Procephalothrix岩田的总氨氮(TAN)和尿素氮排泄。氨水和尿素的排泄率均随水温的升高而增加,且TAN的排泄率与水温的关系可以用TAN(μgN g〜(-1)h〜(-1))= 20.510来描述。 e〜(0.071t)(R〜2 = 0.943,F = 83.47,P <0.001)。当盐度从10万增加到45万时,氨的排泄率先升高然后降低,峰值达到20。然而,尿素排泄与盐度呈正相关。整个动物的TAN排泄随着体重的增加而增加[TAN(μgN h〜(-1))= 15.853 W〜(0.65)(R〜2 = 0.871,F = 458.73,P <0.001)],而TAN排泄的体重比与体重呈负相关[TAN(μgN g〜(-1)h〜(-1))= 15.858W〜(-0.35)(R〜2 = 0.661,F = 132.55,P <0.001)]。当将蠕虫一分为二时,前体碎片较低,而后体碎片具有较高的TAN排泄率,这表明该新生代物种的排泄器官并未消除大部分氨。结果还表明,前体碎片比后体碎片恢复氨排泄的正常水平要快。



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