首页> 外文期刊>Zeitschrift Fur Arbeitswissenschaft >Interdisziplin?re Arbeitswissenschaft in der Humanisierungsforschung und -politik Ein überf?lliger Neustart

Interdisziplin?re Arbeitswissenschaft in der Humanisierungsforschung und -politik Ein überf?lliger Neustart


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Zun?chst wird der historische (1) und wissenschaftshistorische Kontext der Humanisierung der Arbeit ausgeleuchtet (2). Anschlie?end ist Fürstenbergs Konzept zu er?rtern (3). Daraus wurden zentrale Forderungen von der Humanisierungsfor-schung umgesetzt, was in der Arbeitswissenschaft nicht nur Zustimmung, sondern auch Kritik ausl?ste. Dieser Debatte widmet sich der folgende Abschnitt (4). In einem weiteren Schritt wird am Beispiel des von Michael Jungert u. a. 2010 herausgegebenen Sammelbandes ?Interdisziplinarit?t" der aktuelle Diskussionsstand mit dem damaligen Reflexionsniveau konfrontiert (5). Meine Ausführungen schlie?en mit einem Vorschlag für die Forschung (6).%During the course of the 1960s the realization that modernization was necessary dawned in several sectors of German society, for example, education, research, labor and health care. This challenge was actively addressed by the social democratic/liberal coalition which came to power in 1969. This led to the formulation of a program calling for research and action on humanization of working life introduced by the Federal German government in 1974. Prior to this, an amendment to the Works Council Constitution Act passed in 1972 (Sections 90 and 91 - Workplace, work process, work environment) required employers to organize their work systems in accordance with "validated scientific knowledge on humanized work design."rnThese politically-driven reforms of the country's internal structures brought enormous growth in the significance of labor science and it is, consequently, not surprising that sociologist Friedrich Fiirstenberg published his proposals Planning for Interdisciplinarity in Labor Science in 1975. These proposals are still regarded as an important theoretical template and are reviewed in detail in this article (3.). However, as they were not so much a genuine beginning, but rather a revival of existing theories, the article first examines the historical context (2.). This reveals that the principles of interdisciplinarity formulated by sociologist Max Weber and, in particular, his joint studies with the Social Policy Association on working and living conditions of industrial workers are still fully valid. His thoughts on this subject were adopted in many cases by labor scientists in the 1920s. Although interdisciplinarity was elevated to program level during the National Socialist era, the idea actually withered and became a meaningless phrase during that period. The collapse of this system led to temporary loss of the original studies, which were only rediscovered several years later.rnThe debate was revived in the 1970s, mainly as a result of Fiirstenberg's publication, which pointed out, among other things, that closer attention to sociology and other social sciences is an essential prerequisite for further development of interdisciplinary cooperation in the field of labor science. This principle, the validity of which is illustrated in detail by Fiirstenberg, was integrated into the official work humanization program in the form of basic research and accompanying sociological research projects. However, many labor scientists who had welcomed the interdisciplinary approach and the accompanying research projects soon dissociated themselves from the plans for integration of sociology into labor sciencernat peer level (4.). This opposition, spearheaded mainly by labor scientists with academic backgrounds in natural sciences and engineering, was fiercely criticized by sociologists and triggered a controversy that lasted well into the 1980s.rnThe debate on interdisciplinarity in labor science has been going on, with interruptions, for close on one hundred years and has now reached a high scientific level with a large number of topical contributions (5). The high quality of these contributions is, in my opinion, attributable to the preceding high-profile and in some cases, heated and factious debate, which was moreover conducted in a spirit that reveals awareness of not only its theoretical, but also its practical significance. After all, labor science is first and foremost an applied science.rnThis contribution closes with an appeal to researchers to respond to this call for interdisciplinarity in some of their projects, thereby helping to achieve further progress, both theoretical and practical, in this important field. (6).
机译:首先,突出了工作人性化的历史(1)和科学历史背景(2)。然后,必须讨论菲尔斯滕贝格的概念(3)。由此,实现了人性化研究的核心要求,这不仅引发了人们的认可,也引发了对人体工程学的批评。下节(4)讨论了这一辩论。下一步,迈克尔·容格(Michael Jungert)。一个。跨学科,当前的讨论状态于2010年出版,当时面对的是反思的高度(5)。我的评论以研究建议告终(6)。%在1960年代,人们意识到现代化是必要的。德国社会的几个部门,例如教育,研究,劳动和医疗保健,1969年上台的社会民主/自由联盟积极应对了这一挑战,从而制定了一项要求研究和行动的计划1974年由德国联邦政府提出的关于工作生活人性化的规定。在此之前,1972年通过的《劳动委员会宪法》修正案(第90和91节-工作场所,工作过程,工作环境)要求雇主组织其工作系统根据“有关人性化工作设计的有效科学知识”。这些由政治驱动的国家内部结构改革图景为劳动科学的重要性带来了巨大的增长,因此,社会学家弗里德里希·菲斯滕伯格(Friedrich Fiirstenberg)于1975年发表了他的计划《劳动科学的跨学科规划》也就不足为奇了。这些建议仍然被视为重要的理论模板,并在2000年进行了详细的评论。本文(3.)。但是,由于它们并不是真正的开端,而是对现有理论的复兴,因此本文首先考察了历史背景(2.)。这表明,社会学家马克斯·韦伯(Max Weber)制定的跨学科原则,尤其是他与社会政策协会(Social Policy Association)共同研究的工业工人的工作和生活条件仍然完全有效。在1920年代,劳工科学家在许多情况下都采用了他关于这个问题的思想。尽管在国家社会主义时代,跨学科性被提升到了程序级别,但是在那个时期,这个想法实际上枯萎了,变得毫无意义。该系统的崩溃导致最初研究的暂时丢失,这些研究仅在数年后才被重新发现。辩论在1970年代复活,主要是因为Fiirstenberg的出版,该出版物指出,除其他外,人们更加关注社会学和其他社会科学是进一步发展劳动科学领域的跨学科合作的必要前提。 Fiirstenberg详细说明了这一原理的有效性,并以基础研究和伴随的社会学研究项目的形式将其纳入了正式的人性化计划。但是,许多欢迎跨学科方法和相关研究项目的劳动科学家很快就脱离了将社会学整合到同行水平的劳动科学计划中(4.)。反对派主要由具有自然科学和工程学背景的劳动科学家带头,遭到社会学家的严厉批评,并引发了一场持续到1980年代的争论。已有一百多年的历史了,如今已达到了很高的科学水平,具有大量的主题贡献(5)。我认为,这些贡献的高质量归因于先前的引人注目的辩论,而且在某些情况下是激烈而激烈的辩论,而且辩论的精神不仅表明了其理论意义,而且还体现了其实际意义。 。毕竟,劳动科学首先是一门应用科学。rn这一呼吁以呼吁研究人员响应其在某些项目中跨学科性的呼吁而告终,从而有助于在这一重要领域取得理论和实践的进一步进展。 (6)。



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