首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health >Increasing child pedestrian and cyclist visibility: cluster randomised controlled trial

Increasing child pedestrian and cyclist visibility: cluster randomised controlled trial




Study objective: Visibility aids have the potential to reduce child pedestrian and cyclist injury but scarce data exist relating to their use or to interventions for increasing visibility aid use among children. This cluster randomised controlled trial was designed to assess the use of free visibility aids one and eight weeks after their provision among primary school children in Nottingham, UK. Design: One class from each of 20 schools representing 377 children aged 7, 8, and 9 years old participated in the trial and were randomly assigned to treatment and control arms. Children in the intervention arm received two visibility aids, namely, a reflective and fluorescent slap wrap (an item that can be worn around an arm or trouser leg and is readily removed), and a reflective durable sticker in addition to educational material on the importance of being seen in the dark. Observers visited schools to observe use of reflective and fluorescent slap wraps, stickers, piping and patches on coats, and bags at baseline and at one and eight weeks after distribution of the visibility aids. The study used random effects logistic regression to calculate odds ratios (OR) and confidence intervals (Cl). Main result: The results showed that children provided with free visibility aids were significantly more likely to use any visibility aid at one week (adjusted OR 59.5, 95% Cl 18.5 to 191.0) and eight weeks (adjusted OR 5.9, 95% Cl 3.4 to 10.4) after distribution than children in the control arm. Conclusions: Providing free visibility aids and an educational booklet on road safety significantly increases use of visibility aids for up to eight weeks during the winter among primary school children. On the basis of an eight week follow up trial in Nottingham of 20 classes of children aged 7 to 9 years old, these results suggest that campaigns providing free visibility aids to primary school children should be encouraged.
机译:研究目标:可见性辅助工具有可能减少儿童行人和骑自行车的人的伤害,但缺乏有关其使用或增加儿童可见性辅助工具干预措施的数据。这项整群随机对照试验旨在评估在英国诺丁汉的小学生提供免费能见度辅助工具后一到八周的使用情况。设计:代表377名7、8、9岁儿童的20所学校中的每一个班都参加了试验,并随机分配给治疗和控制组。干预手臂中的儿童获得了两种可见度辅助,即反光和荧光巴掌包装(可以戴在手臂或裤子腿上并且很容易取下的物品),以及反射性的耐久贴纸,此外还有关于重要性的教育材料。在黑暗中被看见。观察员访问了学校,以观察在基准线以及分发可见性辅助工具后一周和八周时使用的反光和荧光巴掌包裹物,贴纸,外套上的管道和贴片以及袋子的使用情况。该研究使用随机效应逻辑回归来计算比值比(OR)和置信区间(Cl)。主要结果:结果显示,提供免费可见度辅助的儿童在一周(调整后的OR为59.5,95%Cl为18.5至191.0)和八周(调整后的OR为5.9,95%Cl为3.4至95%)后,更有可能使用任何可见度辅助剂。 10.4)分发后要比孩子在控制臂上。结论:提供免费的能见度辅助工具和一本有关道路安全的教育手册,可在冬季为小学生提供长达八周的显着性辅助工具。根据在诺丁汉进行的为期8周的追踪试验,对20个年龄在7至9岁的儿童进行了追踪,这些结果表明,应该鼓励开展运动,向小学生提供免费的能见度辅助工具。



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