首页> 外文期刊>Journal of environmental psychology >Enhancing the benefits of outdoor walking with cognitive engagement strategies;

Enhancing the benefits of outdoor walking with cognitive engagement strategies;


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Being physically active in natural environments has been associated with improvements to physical health and mental well-being. Unfortunately, gaining access to outdoor settings that are supportive of both psychological well-being and year-round physical activity poses major challenges. Might altering how one engages in and interacts with the outdoor environment encouraging greater physical activity and enhance well-being? In order to investigate this approach, 117 adults were randomly assigned to one of two treatments — Standard Care (schedule setting, commitment) or Engagement (awareness plans) -and asked to take at least three, 30 minutes outdoor walks each week for two weeks. Participants in both treatment conditions reported significant increases in total time spent walking (p < .05). Only those in the Engagement condition, however, experienced significant improvements in multiple dimensions of psychological well-being, including attentional functioning and feelings of frustration. In addition, participants in the engagement-based condition who walked at low to moderate levels were more likely to obtain psychological benefits. The results of this study suggest that promoting cognitive engagement with the environment may make it easier for individuals to achieve the psychological benefits typically associated with outdoor physical activity, even in settings that are less than ideal.
机译:在自然环境中保持身体活跃与改善身体健康和心理健康有关。不幸的是,获得支持心理健康和全年体育锻炼的户外环境构成了重大挑战。可能会改变人们与室外环境互动的方式,从而鼓励他们进行更多的体育锻炼并增进幸福感吗?为了研究这种方法,我们将117名成年人随机分配到两种治疗方法之一(标准护理(日程安排,承诺)或参与(意识计划))中,并要求他们每周至少进行三,三十分钟的户外散步,持续两周。两种治疗条件下的参与者报告步行总时间显着增加(p <.05)。但是,只有处于“参与”状态的人才能在心理健康的多个方面获得显着改善,包括注意功能和沮丧感。此外,以参与度为基础的参与者在低至中度步行时更容易获得心理上的好处。这项研究的结果表明,即使在环境不理想的情况下,促进与环境的认知互动也可以使个人更容易获得通常与户外体育活动相关的心理收益。



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