首页> 外文期刊>Journal of enterprising culture >Barriers Expatriates Encounter During Cross-Cultural Interactions

Barriers Expatriates Encounter During Cross-Cultural Interactions


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In the era of globalization, cross-cultural issues have been widely discussed. However, research concerning cultural barriers expatriates face in foreign subsidiaries are relatively rare. Hence, the aim of this study is to investigate and prioritize barriers that expatriates encounter during cross-cultural interactions. This study integrates a review of the literatures and experts' experiences to construct an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model. AHP questionnaires were distributed to multinational corporations (MNCs) and were analyzed using Expert Choice software. This study finds that national culture bonded barriers are the most critical factors that hinder expatriates' cross-cultural interactions with the host country. In addition, the sub-factors of ethnocentrism, headquarter strategy and cross-cultural communication are the most important factors within the categories of national culture bonded barriers, organizational barriers and individual rooted barriers, respectively. Finally, this study concludes that because cultural barriers are the main factors causing the failures of expatriates, it is crucial for MNCs to provide their employees with cross-cultural trainings that prepare expatriates' language and cultural abilities for cross-cultural interactions with the host country and non-work social networks to facilitate the cross-cultural adjustment in MNCs.
机译:在全球化时代,跨文化问题已被广泛讨论。但是,关于外国子公司在外国子公司中面临的文化障碍的研究相对较少。因此,本研究的目的是调查和优先考虑外籍人士在跨文化交流中遇到的障碍。这项研究综合了文献和专家的经验,以构建层次分析法(AHP)模型。 AHP问卷已分发给跨国公司(MNC),并使用Expert Choice软件进行了分析。这项研究发现,民族文化纽带障碍是阻碍外派人员与东道国进行跨文化互动的最关键因素。此外,民族中心主义,总部战略和跨文化交流等次要因素分别是国家文化纽带障碍,组织障碍和个人根源障碍中最重要的因素。最后,这项研究得出的结论是,由于文化障碍是导致外派人员失败的主要因素,因此跨国公司为员工提供跨文化培训至关重要,这些培训将为外派人员提供语言和文化能力,以使其与东道国进行跨文化互动非工作社交网络,以促进跨国公司的跨文化调整。



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