首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations >Challenges to Implementing IT Support for Evidence Based Practice Among Nurses and Assistant Nurses: A Qualitative Study

Challenges to Implementing IT Support for Evidence Based Practice Among Nurses and Assistant Nurses: A Qualitative Study


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When practitioners make decisions as well as treat and care for patients they interpret patient specific information according to evidence based medical knowledge. This process is complex as evidence is infrequently available in a form that can be acted upon at the time decisions must be made. The aim of this paper is to (1) explore how primary, secondary and municipality care in Sweden work with the process of managing knowledge, (2) explore how nurses and assistant nurses experience availability of medical knowledge when and where they need it and (3) conditions for developing a coherent IT-based knowledge portal for different areas of knowledge bases in healthcare. The results show significant deficiencies in the knowledge management process of the participating organizations. The knowledge management processes are not embedded in business processes, activities and relationships, which cause major difficulties for practitioners to keep up with the latest medical evidence.
机译:从业人员做出决定以及对患者进行治疗和护理时,他们会根据基于证据的医学知识来解释患者的特定信息。这个过程很复杂,因为很少有证据可以在必须做出决定时采取行动。本文的目的是(1)探索瑞典的初级,二级和市政医疗如何与知识管理过程一起工作;(2)探索护士和助理护士如何在需要的时间和地点体验可获得的医学知识,以及( 3)为医疗保健中不同知识库领域开发基于IT的一致知识门户的条件。结果表明,参与组织的知识管理过程存在重大缺陷。知识管理流程没有嵌入业务流程,活动和关系中,这给从业人员跟上最新医学证据带来了重大困难。



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