首页> 外文期刊>Journal of education for library and information science >A Critical Analysis Of The Equity Of Lis Education Programs In Sri Lanka

A Critical Analysis Of The Equity Of Lis Education Programs In Sri Lanka


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A major study involving critical analysis of library and information science (LIS) education in Sri Lanka was carried out by the author covering the 2004-2007 period, and the equity of LIS education discussed in this paper was one element of the larger study. The study on equity has three objectives: (1) to provide a brief introduction to the LIS education programs and the institutions which offer those programs in Sri Lanka; (2) to analyze critically the equity of the LIS programs; and (3) to make recommendations for improvement. Four principal methods were used to collect the data required for the main research; semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, review of relevant documents, and participatory observations by the researcher. Four criteria, namely gender, income, geographic region and language, were used to analyze the equity of LIS education programs. Findings of the study established that there is a gender imbalance in the LIS programs with 80% to 90% female students, that an income inequity is evident, that there is a severe inequity in the regional distribution and language of the programs. The paper makes several recommendations to reduce these inequities and makes suggestions for further research.
机译:作者在2004年至2007年期间进行了一项涉及斯里兰卡图书馆和信息科学(LIS)教育批判性分析的重大研究,本文所讨论的LIS教育的公平性是这项较大研究的要素之一。公平研究具有三个目标:(1)简要介绍LIS教育计划以及在斯里兰卡提供这些计划的机构; (2)严格分析LIS计划的公平性; (3)提出改进建议。四种主要方法被用来收集主要研究所需的数据。半结构化访谈,问卷调查,相关文件审阅以及研究人员的参与性观察。性别,收入,地理区域和语言这四个标准用于分析LIS教育计划的公平性。该研究的结果表明,LIS计划中有80%至90%的女学生存在性别失衡,收入不平等是显而易见的,该计划的区域分布和语言存在严重的不平等现象。本文提出了一些减少这些不平等的建议,并提出了进一步研究的建议。



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