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Gio Ponti's Latin [American] Encounters: A Reading from the Archives

机译:乔·庞蒂(Gio Ponti)的拉丁[美国]遭遇:从档案中读取

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The design languages and forms of knowledge used by architects and other designers indicate that they not only operate 'within the same domains of knowledge and action', but also share similar historical contexts. Latin American modern architecture and design histories constitute an account of cultural exchanges between architectural and design practitioners working on a trans-national and multidisciplinary basis. Reviewing these practices today may help break the tendency of historical accounts to focus on a 'diffusionist model' and reinforce the critical acknowledgement of the modern legacy in Latin America. The work of architect and designer Gio Ponti is an example of this. During the 1950s Ponti travelled to many countries and built one of his masterpieces, Villa Planchart, in Caracas. Although much has been published about Ponti's Venezuelan project, his letters reveal other lesser known but significant encounters with Latin American culture. Using his Domus editorials and readings from his correspondence as guidelines, complemented by articles, seminal books, and projects, this article will explore, from a more plural point of view, how Ponti's experiences and relationships developed in Latin America, especially those lesser known relationships in Brazil, helped shape some of his design processes and conceptualizations.
机译:建筑师和其他设计师使用的设计语言和知识形式表明,它们不仅“在相同的知识和行动领域内运作”,而且具有相似的历史背景。拉丁美洲的现代建筑和设计历史构成了在跨国和多学科基础上工作的建筑和设计从业者之间的文化交流。今天回顾这些做法可能会有助于打破历史记录趋向于关注“扩散模型”的趋势,并加强对拉丁美洲现代遗产的批判认识。建筑师和设计师Gio Ponti的作品就是一个例子。 1950年代,蓬蒂游历了许多国家,并在加拉加斯(Caracas)建造了他的杰作之一Villa Planchart。尽管有关蓬蒂的委内瑞拉项目的报道很多,但他的来信揭示了拉丁美洲文化中其他鲜为人知但意义重大的遭遇。本文以多莫斯的社论和他书信中的阅读为指导,并辅以文章,开创性书籍和项目,本文将从更多元化的角度探讨庞蒂在拉丁美洲的经历和关系如何发展,特别是那些鲜为人知的关系在巴西,帮助塑造了他的一些设计过程和概念化。



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