首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Prepartum Nutrition Alters Fatty Acid Composition in Plasma, Adipose Tissue, and Liver Lipids of Periparturient Dairy Cows

Prepartum Nutrition Alters Fatty Acid Composition in Plasma, Adipose Tissue, and Liver Lipids of Periparturient Dairy Cows


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The fatty acyl profile of phospholipids (PL) determines the fluidity of cell membranes and affects cell function. The degree to which long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) composition of PL and triacylglycerols (TG) in liver and total lipids in adipose tissue can be altered by prepartum nutrition in peripartal dairy cows is unclear. Multiparous Holsteins (n = 25) were assigned to 1 of 4 prepartal diets: 1) CA, the control diet fed to meet 120% of energy requirements; 2) CR, a control diet fed to meet 80% of requirements; 3) S, a diet supplemented with mostly saturated free fatty acids (47% 16:0, 36% 18:0, 14% cis-18:1) and fed to meet 120% of requirements; or 4) U, a diet similar to S except that cows were abomasally infused with soybean oil so that the diet plus infused fat would meet 120% of requirements. Diets were fed for 40 d prepartum; all cows received a lactation diet postpartum. Groups CR and U had lower prepartum intakes of dry matter and net energy, but glucose concentrations in plasma were similar among treatments. Cows fed S, U, or CR had greater nonesterified fatty acids in plasma prepartum, but cows fed U had decreased β-hydroxybutyrate postpartum. Postpartal concentrations of total lipids and glycogen in liver tissue were similar among treatments. Cows in group U had a greater percentage of 18:2 but less 16:0, 18:0, and 20:4 in plasma total lipids than cows fed S. Treatment U increased 18:2 and 18:3 and decreased 18:1 in subcutaneous adipose tissue at 1 d postpartum. Across diets, percentages of 16:0 and trans-18:1 were increased, and 18:0, 20:3, and 20:5 were decreased, in hepatic PL at d 1 postpartum. Significant treatment x time interactions indicated that treatment U increased 18:2 in hepatic PL at the expense of 18:1, 20:3, 20:4, 22:6, and 24:0 on d 1 postpartum, but changes were normalized by d 65 postpartum. The unsaturation index of hepatic PL was lower at d 1 than at d -45 or 65, which implies that hepatic membrane fluidity decreased around parturition. The unsaturation index at d 1 was greater for cows fed S than those fed CA or U. Percentages of 16:0, 18:1, and 22:0 were increased, and 18:0, 20:3, 20:4, 20:5, 24:0, and 26:0 were decreased, in hepatic TG at d 1. Prepartal feed restriction modestly affected tissue LCFA profiles. The LCFA profile of adipose tissue, liver PL, and liver TG can be altered by dietary LCFA supply prepartum; changes in liver are normalized by 65 d postpartum.
机译:磷脂(PL)的脂肪酰基特征决定了细胞膜的流动性并影响细胞功能。围产期奶牛的产前营养能否改变肝脏中PL和三酰基甘油(TG)的长链脂肪酸(LCFA)组成以及脂肪组织中的总脂质可改变的程度。多产荷斯坦牛(n = 25)被分配到4种产前饮食中的1种:1)CA,即饲喂满足120%能量需求的对照饮食; 2)CR,一种满足80%需求的对照饮食; 3)S,主要添加饱和脂肪酸(47%16:0、36%18:0、14%顺式18:1)并满足120%的需求的饮食;或4)U,类似于S的饮食,不同之处在于在母牛的腹部以大豆油为原料注入大豆油,这样饮食加上注入的脂肪即可满足需求的120%。饮食在产前40天进行喂养;所有母牛在产后都接受泌乳饮食。 CR组和U组的产前摄入的干物质和净能量较低,但治疗之间的血浆葡萄糖浓度相似。饲喂S,U或CR的奶牛产前血浆中非酯化脂肪酸含量更高,但是饲喂U的奶牛产后β-羟基丁酸酯含量降低。治疗之间肝组织中总脂质和糖原的产后浓度相似。与饲喂S的母牛相比,U组的母牛的血浆总脂质比例更高,比例为18:2,但更少:16:0、18:0和20:4。治疗U的比例增加18:2和18:3,降低18:1在产后1天皮下脂肪组织中。在产后d 1时,各种饮食中肝PL的比例增加了16:0和trans-18:1,减少了18:0、20:3和20:5。显着的治疗x时间交互作用表明,治疗U在产后d 1时肝PL中增加18:2,但代价为18:1、20:3、20:4、22:6和24:0,但改变通过d 65产后。肝PL的不饱和指数在d 1低于在d -45或65,这表明在分娩前后肝膜流动性降低。饲喂S的母牛在d 1时的不饱和指数大于饲喂CA或U的母牛。16:0、18:1和22:0的百分比增加,而18:0、20:3、20:4、20在第1天时,肝TG中的:5、24:0和26:0减少。产前限制饮食对组织LCFA的影响中等。产前饮食中LCFA的供应可以改变脂肪组织,肝脏PL和肝脏TG的LCFA分布。产后65天肝脏变化正常。



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