首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Crystal Growth >Measurement of thermophysical properties of molten silicon using an upgraded electrostatic levitator

Measurement of thermophysical properties of molten silicon using an upgraded electrostatic levitator


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Accurate measurements of thermophysical properties of molten silicon have been attempted using an upgraded electrostatic levitator. In order to reduce the temperature gradient in the levitated sample four laser beams of equal intensity with tetrahedral heating arrangement were used. A new image processing technique was adopted to get reliable sample volume (or density) measurements. In order to increase the accuracy of surface tension and viscosity measurements sample mass was continuously monitored throughout the experiment and the effect of mass loss was accounted for in the final analysis. Based on these new improvements, the results for the density, the specific heat over hemispherical total emissivity, the surface tension and the viscosity of molten silicon can be expressed by ρ(T) = 2.583 - 1.851 x 10~(-4) (T - T_m) - 1.984 x 10~(-7)(T - T_m)~2 g/cm~3 (1370 K< T< 1830 K), C_P/ε_T = 149.433 - 0.03735 x (T - T_m) + 8.0 x 10~(-5)(T - T_m)~2 - 1.1838 x 10~(-7)(T - T_m)~3 + 1.6342 x 10~(-9)T - T_m)~4 J/molK (1370 K
机译:已经尝试使用升级的静电悬浮器来精确测量熔融硅的热物理性质。为了减小悬浮样品中的温度梯度,使用了具有四面体加热布置的等强度的四个激光束。采用了一种新的图像处理技术来获得可靠的样品体积(或密度)测量结果。为了提高表面张力和粘度测量的准确性,在整个实验过程中对样品质量进行连续监测,并在最终分析中考虑了质量损失的影响。基于这些新的改进,密度,半球形总发射率上的比热,熔融硅的表面张力和粘度的结果可以表示为ρ(T)= 2.583-1.851 x 10〜(-4)(T -T_m)-1.984 x 10〜(-7)(T-T_m)〜2 g / cm〜3(1370 K



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