首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Crystal Growth >The v/G criterion for defect-free silicon single crystal growth from a melt revisited: Implications for large diameter crystals

The v/G criterion for defect-free silicon single crystal growth from a melt revisited: Implications for large diameter crystals

机译:重新探讨熔体中无缺陷硅单晶生长的v / G准则:对大直径晶体的影响

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Traditionally the critical value Γ_(crit) of the ratio Γ of the pulling speed v over the thermal gradient G at the melt-solid interface needed to grow defect free silicon is assumed to be a constant for a given crystal doping and resistivity. Recently it was however shown that Γ_(crit) depends on stress and thus also on G, in particular on its derivative with respect to the distance from the melt-solid interface. As G also depends on v, a process window exists for the critical pulling speed which depends both on the crystal radius and on Γ_(crit). The implications for the development of pulling processes for large diameter defect free silicon crystals are discussed.



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