
Europe since the Seventies


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In his most recent book, Jeremy Black sets out to challenge the conventional periodisation of contemporary European history. Starting in 1970, rather than 1945, he divides the Cold War in two. Instead of finishing off in 1989, or 2000, he takes his narrative well into the year 2008. One of his reasons for this unusual practice is a pragmatic one. Twenty years after the end of the Cold War, the age of nuclear deterrence is as remote to the students of the year 2009 as Napoleon or Julius Caesar. Taking their perspective seriously, he seeks to cater to their need for a historical coverage of a more recent past. A second reason is a historiographical one. The immediate post-war period until 1970 was an era of clean-cut political divisions, of unprecedented growth and optimism, at least in Western Europe. A story starting in 1970 would be quite different. It would be characterised by political change-starting with the fall of the authoritarian regimes in Southern Europe-by recurrent economic crises, and by the dual challenge of globalisation and relative decline.
机译:杰里米·布莱克(Jeremy Black)在他的最新著作中,开始挑战当代欧洲历史的传统分期。从1970年开始,而不是从1945年开始,他将冷战一分为二。他没有在1989年或2000年结束演讲,而是将他的叙述带到了2008年。他之所以采取这种不寻常的作法,原因之一就是务实。冷战结束后的20年,核威慑时代像拿破仑或凯撒大帝一样遥遥无期,成为2009年度学生的时代。他认真地看待他们的观点,力求满足他们对近代历史的报道需求。第二个原因是历史原因。战后直到1970年,是一个政治分野的时代,至少在西欧,它是空前的增长和乐观的时代。始于1970年的故事会大不相同。它的特点是政治变革,始于南欧独裁政权的倒台(周期性经济危机),以及全球化和相对衰落的双重挑战。



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