首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Computer Assisted Learning >Motivational beliefs and perceptions of instructional quality: predicting satisfaction with online training

Motivational beliefs and perceptions of instructional quality: predicting satisfaction with online training


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Many would agree that learning on the Web - a highly autonomous learning environment - may be difficult for individuals who lack motivation and self-regulated learning skills. Using a social cognitive view of academic motivation and self-regulation, the objective of the present study was to investigate the relations between students' motivational beliefs, their perceptions of the learning environment and their satisfaction with a self-paced, online course. Service academy undergraduates (n = 646) completed a questionnaire following online training. Pearson correlations indicate that task value, self-efficacy and perceived instructional quality were significantly positively related to each other and to students' overall satisfaction with the self-paced, online course. Additionally, results from a three-step hierarchical regression reveal that task value, self-efficacy and instructional quality were significant positive predictors of students' satisfaction; the final regression model accounted for approximately 54% of the variance in the outcome measure. These findings support and extend prior research in traditional classrooms and online education in university settings, indicating that military students' motivational beliefs about a learning task and their perceptions of instructional quality are related, in important ways, to their overall satisfaction with online instruction. Educational implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.
机译:许多人会同意,对于缺乏动力和自我调节的学习技能的个人而言,在高度自主的学习环境中进行网络学习可能很困难。本研究的目的是使用对学习动机和自我调节的社会认知观点,研究学生的动机信念,他们对学习环境的看法以及他们对自定进度的在线课程的满意度之间的关系。服务学院的本科生(n = 646)在接受在线培训后完成了一份调查问卷。皮尔逊相关性表明,任务价值,自我效能和所感知的教学质量与彼此之间以及与学生对自定进度的在线课程的总体满意度呈显着正相关。此外,三步分层回归的结果表明,任务价值,自我效能感和教学质量是学生满意度的重要积极预测因子;最终回归模型约占结果度量方差的54%。这些发现支持并扩展了传统课堂和大学环境下在线教育的先前研究,表明军校学生对学习任务的动机信念和对教学质量的看法在很大程度上与他们对在线教学的总体满意度有关。讨论了对未来研究的教育意义和建议。



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