首页> 外文期刊>Journal of communication >You Brought it on Yourself: The Joint Effects of Message Type, Stigma, and Responsibility Attribution on Attitudes Toward Medical Cannabis

You Brought it on Yourself: The Joint Effects of Message Type, Stigma, and Responsibility Attribution on Attitudes Toward Medical Cannabis


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This study uses a web-based randomized experiment (N=396) to test the effects of message type (narrative vs. expository), stigma (stigmatized vs. nonstigmatized illness), and attribution of responsibility for disease (internal vs. external) on attitudes toward medical cannabis. Narrative-formatted videos produced more favorable attitudes toward medical cannabis, compared with nonnarrative videos. Effects of narratives on attitudes were mediated through transportation and identification with the protagonist. Participants who viewed narratives in which the protagonist had a stigmatized illness and was responsible for contracting the disease expressed more negative attitudes toward medical cannabis. Effects of attribution were mediated through social distance toward medical cannabis users, and moderated by stigma. Implications for narrative persuasion and public opinion regarding medical cannabis are discussed.
机译:这项研究使用基于网络的随机实验(N = 396)来测试消息类型(叙述性与说明性),耻辱感(污名与非污名化的疾病)以及疾病责任归因(内部与外部)的影响。对医用大麻的态度。与非叙事视频相比,叙事格式的视频对医用大麻产生了更有利的态度。叙事对态度的影响是通过运输和与主角的认同而介导的。参加者观看了主角遭受耻辱的疾病并导致患病的叙述,他们对医用大麻的态度更加消极。归因的影响是通过与医疗大麻使用者之间的社交距离来介导的,并且受到耻辱感的影响。讨论了有关医疗大麻的叙事说服力和公众舆论的含义。



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