首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience >A Simple Model of Prefrontal Cortex Function in Delayed-Response Tasks

A Simple Model of Prefrontal Cortex Function in Delayed-Response Tasks


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Both psychologists and neurobiologists have used delayed response (DR), AB, and delayed matching-to-sample (DMS) tasks as tools to study the functions of prefrontal cortex in primates and humans. We describe a simulation model that relates behavioral and electrophysiological-data relevant to these tasks into a minimal neural network. The inputs to the network are two visual objects and a positive or negative reinforcement signal. As the output, the network orients toward one of the two objects. We subdivide the architecture of the network into two levels, both of which embody constraints from neuroanatomy in a simplified form. Level 1 consists of a sensory-motor loop with modifiable synaptic weights and provides a capacity for grasping. Level 2 contains memory and rule-coding units and modulates the lower level 1. When level 1 only is simulated, the network fails to learn the tasks. The errors made by the network resemble those of young monkeys, infants, or adults with prefrontal lesions. In particular, the systematic AB error can be reproduced. With level 2 on top of level 1, the network acquires systematic rules of behavior by mere reinforcement and rapidly adapts to changes in the reinforcement schedule. Learning takes place by selection among a repertoire of possible rules. The properties of the model are discussed in terms of actual behavioral and physiological data, and several critical experimental predictions are presented. In particular, we address the issues of prefrontal functions, “systematicity” in neural networks, and “mental Darwinism.”
机译:心理学家和神经生物学家都使用延迟反应(DR),AB和延迟匹配样本(DMS)任务作为研究灵长类动物和人类前额叶皮层功能的工具。我们描述了一个模拟模型,该模型将与这些任务相关的行为和电生理数据关联到一个最小的神经网络中。网络的输入是两个视觉对象和一个正或负增强信号。作为输出,网络面向两个对象之一。我们将网络的体系结构细分为两个层次,这两个层次都以简化形式体现了神经解剖学的约束。 1级由具有可调节突触权重的感觉运动回路组成,并具有抓握的能力。级别2包含内存和规则编码单元,并调制较低的级别1。仅模拟级别1时,网络将无法学习任务。网络造成的错误类似于幼猴,婴儿或患有额叶前病变的成年人的错误。特别地,可以再现系统的AB误差。在第2层位于第1层之上的情况下,网络仅通过强化即可获取系统的行为规则,并迅速适应强化时间表的变化。通过选择所有可能的规则来进行学习。根据实际行为和生理数据讨论了模型的属性,并提出了一些关键的实验预测。特别是,我们解决了前额叶功能,神经网络中的“系统性”和“精神达尔文主义”的问题。



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