首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience >Dissociations in the Processing of “What” and “Where” Information in Working Memory: An Event-Related Potential Analysis

Dissociations in the Processing of “What” and “Where” Information in Working Memory: An Event-Related Potential Analysis


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Based on recent research that suggests that the processing of spatial and object information in the primate brain involves functionally and anatomically different systems, we examined whether the encoding and retention of object and spatial information in working memory are associated with different ERP components. In a study-test procedure subjects were asked to either remember simple geometric objects presented in a 4 by 4 spatial matrix irrespective of their position (object memory task) or to remember spatial positions of the objects irrespective of their forms (spatial memory task). The EEG was recorded from 13 electrodes during the study phase and the test phase. Recognition performance (reaction time and accuracy) was not different for the two memory tasks. PCA analyses suggest that the same four ERP components are evoked in the study phase by both tasks, which could be identified as N100, P200, P300, and slow wave. ERPs started to differ as a function of memory task 225 msec after stimulus onset at the posterior recording sites: An occipital maximal P200 component, lateralized to the right posterior temporal recording site, was observed for the object memory but not for the spatial memory task. Between-tasks differences were also obtained for P300 scalp distribution. Moreover, ERPs evoked by objects that were remembered later were more positive than ERPs to objects that were not remembered, starting at 400 msec postsimulus. The PCA analysis suggest that P300 and a slow wave following P300 at the frontal recordings contribute to these differences. A similar differential effect was not found between positions remembered or not remembered later. Post hoc analyses revealed that the absence of such effects in the spatial memory task could be due to less elaborated mnemonic strategies used in the spatial task compared to the object memory task. In the face of two additional behavioral experiments showing that subjects exclusively encode object features in the obj- ct memory task and spatial stimulus features in the spatial memory task, the present data provide evidence that encoding and rehearsal of object and spatial information in working memory are subserved by functionally and anatomically different subsystems.
机译:基于最近的研究表明灵长类动物大脑中空间和对象信息的处理涉及功能和解剖上不同的系统,我们检查了对象和空间信息在工作记忆中的编码和保留是否与不同的ERP组件相关。在一项研究测试程序中,要求受试者要么记住4×4空间矩阵中呈现的简单几何对象,无论其位置如何(对象存储任务),要么不管它们的形式(对象空间存储任务),记住对象的空间位置。在研究阶段和测试阶段,从13个电极上记录了EEG。两项记忆任务的识别性能(反应时间和准确性)没有差异。 PCA分析表明,这两个任务在研究阶段都唤起了相同的四个ERP组件,可以将其标识为N100,P200,P300和慢波。在后部记录部位开始出现刺激后225毫秒,ERP开始随记忆任务的变化而变化:观察到对象记忆而不是空间记忆任务的枕骨最大P200分量横向于右后颞部记录部位。对于P300头皮分配,还获得了任务间差异。此外,从后记忆的对象开始唤起的ERPs比不记忆的ERP更加积极,从模拟后400毫秒开始。 PCA分析表明,正面记录中的P300和P300之后的慢波是造成这些差异的原因。在记忆的位置或以后不记忆的位置之间未发现类似的差异效果。事后分析表明,与对象记忆任务相比,空间记忆任务中没有此类影响可能是由于空间任务中使用的复杂记忆策略较少。面对另外两个行为实验,表明受试者仅对对象记忆任务中的对象特征和空间记忆任务中的空间刺激特征进行编码,本数据提供了证据,证明了工作记忆中对象和空间信息的编码和演练是由功能和解剖上不同的子系统提供服务。



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