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Fractionating the Neural Mechanisms of Cognitive Control


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Modifications of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test were established. In these new task variants, participants were asked to exert sequential control over attentional sets or over intentional sets (task domain factor). Attentional set shifting requires changing the priorities by which sensory stimuli are selected, whereas intentional set shifting requires changing the priorities by which motor responses are selected. Auditory stimuli that signaled to maintain or shift set were presented immediately before (precuing) or after (postcuing) the selection of cards (cue timing factor). Twenty-four healthy young individuals participated. Performance data (response times, error percentages) indicated that intentional tasks were easier to perform than attentional tasks. The electroencephalogram was recorded during task performance, and the N1, medial frontal negativity (MFN), P3a, and sustained potential (SP) components of the cue event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were analyzed. Irrespective of the task domain, shift precues led to increased N1 amplitudes compared to shift postcues. When intentional sets had to be shifted, the MFNs in the postcuing condition were more pronounced than in the precuing condition. On the other hand, shifts of attentional sets resulted in a more prominent P3a in response to postcues compared to precues. Irrespective of the task domain, the shift effect that was evident in SPs was more pronounced in precue ERPs compared to postcue ERPs. We conclude that ERPs provide valid measures to empirically constrain theories about the neural mechanisms of cognitive control. The domain hypothesis of the fractionation of the neural mechanisms of cognitive control is introduced.
机译:建立了威斯康星卡片分类测试的修改形式。在这些新的任务变体中,要求参与者对注意力集或故意集(任务域因子)进行顺序控制。有意的集合移位需要改变选择感觉刺激的优先级,而有意的集合移位需要改变选择运动反应的优先级。在选择卡片之前(提示)或之后(提示)(提示时机因素),立即发出表示维持或转移设置的听觉刺激。 24名健康的年轻人参加了比赛。性能数据(响应时间,错误百分比)表明,有意任务比关注任务更容易执行。在执行任务期间记录脑电图,并分析提示事件相关脑电势(ERP)的N1,内侧额叶负电(MFN),P3a和持续电势(SP)分量。与任务域相比,移位任务导致N1振幅增加。当必须移动有意集合时,后提示条件下的MFN比前提示条件下的MFN更明显。另一方面,注意力集中的变化导致对后提示的反应比前提示更为突出。无论任务域如何,与事后ERP相比,在事前ERP中,SP中明显的转移效应更为明显。我们得出结论,ERP提供了有效的措施,以经验约束有关认知控制的神经机制的理论。介绍了认知控制神经机制的分级领域假设。



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