首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience >Right Frontal Lobe Mediation of Recollection- and Familiarity-based Verbal Recognition Memory: Evidence from Patients with Tumor Resections

Right Frontal Lobe Mediation of Recollection- and Familiarity-based Verbal Recognition Memory: Evidence from Patients with Tumor Resections


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Medial-temporal, parietal, and pFC regions have been implicatednin recollection and familiarity, but existing evidence fromnneuroimaging and patient studies is limited and conflicting regardingnthe role of specific regions within pFC in these memorynprocesses. We report a study of 20 patients who had undergonenresection of right frontal lobe tumors and 20matched healthy controlnparticipants. The location and extent of lesions were traced onnthe patientsʼ scans. A process dissociation procedure was employednto yield estimates of the contributions of recollection andnfamiliarity in verbal recognition performance. Group comparisonsnrevealed deficits in recollection but not familiarity in the patientngroup relative to their healthy counterparts. We found a positivenrelationship between estimates of familiarity and lesion sizes in thenright inferior pFC (BA 11, 47) which was significant upon bootstrapnresampling. These results are discussed in terms of priorworknlinking this area to an overextended sense of familiarity.
机译:内侧颞叶,顶叶和pFC区域与记忆和熟悉程度有关,但神经影像学和患者研究的现有证据有限,并且在这些记忆过程中pFC内特定区域的作用相互矛盾。我们报告了一项研究,该研究对20例行了右额叶肿瘤切除术的患者和20例匹配的健康对照者进行了研究。病灶的位置和范围可在患者扫描时追踪。使用过程解离程序来估计言语识别性能中的回忆和不熟悉程度。小组比较显示出回忆方面的缺陷,但相对于健康的同行者,患者组不熟悉。我们发现右下亚pFC(BA 11,47)的熟悉程度和病变大小的估计值之间呈正相关,这在自举法重采样后很重要。这些结果是根据先验工作将该区域与过度扩展的熟悉感联系起来进行讨论的。



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