首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Pathology >Platelet Function Testing: Practice Among Uk National External Quality Assessment Scheme For Blood Coagulation Participants, 2006

Platelet Function Testing: Practice Among Uk National External Quality Assessment Scheme For Blood Coagulation Participants, 2006


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Aims: Platelet function testing forms an important part of the laboratory investigation of a bleeding tendency; however, little standardisation and quality control is available for these tests. A UK National External Quality Assessment Scheme (UK NEQAS) for Blood Coagulation exercise sought to identify current practice among laboratories performing platelet function tests. Methods: A questionnaire was circulated in March 2006 to establish the current status of platelet function testing practice among participants of UK NEQAS. Participants were asked specifically about practice in bleeding time testing, PFA-100 analyser use, platelet aggregometry methodology and additional tests of platelet function. Results: 169 returned questionnaires revealed that 26 centres used bleeding time, the PFA-100 analyser and platelet aggregometry in their investigations; 13 used bleeding time and the PFA-100 only; 33 used bleeding time and platelet aggregometry; and 23 used the PFA-100 with platelet aggregometry. 58 centres reported that they performed only bleeding times in their investigations, 10 reported use of the PFA-100 only, and 6 reported use of aggregometry only. Marked variability was observed in methodology for each of these tests, and in many cases no form of quality control was employed. Conclusions: The data confirmed the lack of standardisation in methodology employed in different centres. Updated guidelines and standardisation of platelet function assessment are required to facilitate comparability between centres.
机译:目的:血小板功能测试是实验室研究出血趋势的重要组成部分。但是,这些测试几乎没有标准化和质量控制。一项英国国家血液凝结外部质量评估计划(UK NEQAS)试图确定执行血小板功能测试的实验室之间的当前实践。方法:2006年3月分发了一份问卷,以了解英国NEQAS参与者的血小板功能测试实践的现状。与会者被问到有关出血时间测试的实践,PFA-100分析仪的使用,血小板凝集方法学以及血小板功能的其他测试。结果:169份返回的调查表显示,有26个中心在调查中使用了出血时间,PFA-100分析仪和血小板凝集法。 13只使用了出血时间,仅PFA-100; 33用过的出血时间和血小板凝集法;和23使用PFA-100和血小板凝集法。 58个中心报告说,他们在调查中仅执行了出血时间,10个报告仅使用了PFA-100,6个报告仅使用了凝集法。对于这些测试中的每项,在方法学中均观察到明显的变异性,并且在许多情况下,未采用任何形式的质量控制。结论:数据证实了不同中心采用的方法缺乏标准化。需要更新的指南和血小板功能评估的标准化,以促进中心之间的可比性。



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