首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cleaner Production >The convergence of digital commons with local manufacturing from a degrowth perspective: Two illustrative cases

The convergence of digital commons with local manufacturing from a degrowth perspective: Two illustrative cases


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The emerging discussion about the sustainability potential of distributed production is the starting point for this paper. The focus is on the “design global, manufacture local” model. This model builds on the conjunction of the digital commons of knowledge and design with desktop and benchtop manufacturing technologies (from three-dimensional printers and laser cutters to low-tech tools and crafts). Two case studies are presented to illustrate three interlocked practices of this model for degrowth. It is argued that a “design global, manufacture local” model, as exemplified by these case studies, seems to arise in a significantly different political economy from that of the conventional industrial model of mass production. “Design global, manufacture local” may be seen as a platform to bridge digital and knowledge commons with existing physical infrastructures and degrowth communities, in order to achieve distributed modes of collaborative production.
机译:关于分布式生产的可持续性潜力的新讨论是本文的出发点。重点是“全球设计,本地制造”模型。该模型建立在知识和设计的数字公关与台式和台式制造技术(从三维打印机和激光切割机到低技术工具和手工艺品)的结合之上。提出了两个案例研究,以说明该模型的三个相互关联的实践,以进行除草。有人认为,以这些案例研究为例的“设计全球制造本地”模型似乎是在与大规模生产的传统工业模型截然不同的政治经济学中产生的。 “全球设计,本地制造”可能被视为一个平台,将数字和知识共享与现有的物理基础设施和退化社区联系起来,以实现协作生产的分布式模式。



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