首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society >The RCAF's UK-BUILT HURRICANE IS: PART 2: Into Service with No l (Fighter) Squadron

The RCAF's UK-BUILT HURRICANE IS: PART 2: Into Service with No l (Fighter) Squadron


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The first and most logical operator of the RCAF Hurricanes was No 1 (F) Sqn, RCAE This unit, under one name or another, had been in existence since 1927 operating the RCAF's only pre-1939 fighter type, the Armstrong Whitworth Siskin. In its early years it had achieved a considerable measure of fame in both Canada and the United States for its aerobatic performances with the nimble little Siskin. As the 1930s wore on the RCAF, although handicapped by its limited resources, concentrated to an increasing degree on becoming an effective military force. Therefore, No 1 (F) devoted most of its effort to becoming an operational fighter unit despite the antiquity of its equipment. In 1938 it had moved to RCAF Station Calgary, Alberta whose comparatively modern facilities it shared with No 3 (B) Sqn and its Westland Wapitis. The sight of a military aerodrome with a Siskin and a Wapiti squadron would seem to be more appropriate to an airfield in the late 1920s rather than early 1939!
机译:RCAF飓风的第一个也是最合乎逻辑的运营商是RCAE空军一号(F)广场。此单位以一个或多个名字存在,自1927年以来一直运营,是RCAF唯一的1939年前战斗机类型,即Armstrong Whitworth Siskin。早期,它以其敏捷的小西斯金(Siskin)的特技表演而在加拿大和美国都享有很高的声誉。尽管1930年代穿着RCAF,但由于其有限的资源而受阻,但它越来越集中于成为一支有效的军事力量。因此,尽管装备古老,但第一(F)仍将大部分精力投入到成为作战战斗机中。 1938年,它搬到了艾伯塔省卡尔加里RCAF车站,与3号(B)广场及其韦斯特兰Wapitis共用了比较现代化的设施。在1920年代后期而不是1939年初,看到一个带有Siskin和Wapiti中队的军事机场似乎更合适!



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