首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Ethics >The Practice of Networking: An Ethical Approach

The Practice of Networking: An Ethical Approach


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Focusing on the virtue-ethics tradition, this article analyzes the practice of networking within the business context. First, it distinguishes three types of networking: utilitarian, emotional, and virtuous. Virtuous networking does not exclude utilitarian and emotional networking, but these latter forms should be practiced with reciprocity. It is argued that virtuous networking requires (1) acting with good faith, sharing honest goals, and participating in licit activities; (2) sharing information, knowledge, and resources with reciprocity and even with gratuity; (3) serving with justice in asymmetrical power relationships; and (4) exercising a positive ethical influence within the network. Specific forms of unethical behavior in the practice of networking include (1) bad faith or abuse of trust, (2) opportunism, (3) abuse and misuse of power, (4) network cronyism, (5) networking as disguised bribery, and (6) cooperating in the wrongdoing of other actors of the network. The article concludes with some remarks about the role of ethics in social networks.
机译:着重于道德伦理传统,本文分析了商业环境中的网络实践。首先,它区分了三种类型的网络:功利,情感和道德。良性网络不排除功利主义和情感网络,但后者的形式应互惠互利。有人认为,良性网络化需要(1)诚实行事,分享诚实目标,参与合法活动; (2)互惠互利,甚至互惠互助地分享信息,知识和资源; (三)在不对称的权力关系中公正地服务; (4)在网络内发挥积极的道德影响。在网络实践中不道德行为的特定形式包括:(1)恶意或滥用信任;(2)机会主义;(3)滥用权力和滥用权力;(4)网络裙带关系;(5)变相贿赂网络;以及(6)合作处理网络中其他参与者的不当行为。本文在结尾部分谈到了道德在社交网络中的作用。



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