首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Ethics >Brands and Religion in the Secularized Marketplace and Workplace: Insights from the Case of an Italian Hospital Renamed After a Roman Catholic Pope

Brands and Religion in the Secularized Marketplace and Workplace: Insights from the Case of an Italian Hospital Renamed After a Roman Catholic Pope


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Religion is considered a cornerstone of business ethics, yet the values held dear by a religion, when professed by business organizations serving heterogeneous market segments in secularized societies, can generate conflict and resistance. In this paper, we report findings from a study of stakeholder reactions to the renaming of an Italian public hospital. After the construction of new facilities, the hospital was renamed for the recently canonized Roman Catholic Pope John XXIII. Contrary to expectations, we found no evidence of public criticism surrounding the name change. A fine-grained analysis of a sample of 734 respondents belonging to different stakeholder groups revealed that consumers (patients and citizens) predominantly supported the name change, while employees were often critical and concerned about possible religious influences on medical practice and scientific research. Moving beyond our empirical setting, we propose a process model of brand-religion alignment inspired by McCracken's (J Consum Res 13(1): 71-84, 1986) meaning transfer model, which considers both the alignment process and its reception by relevant audiences. The study also presents managerial implications useful for those brand managers who wish to create effective, respectful links with religion.
机译:宗教被认为是商业道德的基石,但是,当宗教信仰的珍贵价值观被世俗社会中为不同市场细分市场服务的商业组织认定时,会产生冲突和抵制。在本文中,我们报告了利益相关者对意大利公立医院更名的反应的研究结果。在建造新设施之后,该医院改名为最近被封为罗马天主教教皇约翰二十三世的医院。与期望相反,我们没有发现有关更改名称的公开批评证据。对来自不同利益相关者群体的734位受访者进行的抽样分析显示,消费者(患者和公民)主要支持更名,而员工通常持批评态度,并担心宗教信仰对医学实践和科学研究的影响。超越我们的经验设置,我们提出了一个基于麦克拉肯(J Consum Res 13(1):71-84,1986)的意义转移模型的品牌-宗教对齐的过程模型,该模型考虑了对齐过程及其相关受众的接受程度。 。该研究还提出了管理意义,对希望与宗教建立有效,相互尊重的联系的品牌经理有用。



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