AbstractOutside directors’ regular board meeting attendance is important in improving the effectiveness of a go'/> Board Meeting Attendance by Outside Directors
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Board Meeting Attendance by Outside Directors


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AbstractOutside directors’ regular board meeting attendance is important in improving the effectiveness of a governance system. Such attendance is evidence of their commitment to the firm as key other players in monitoring and decision making. Using a unique dataset for Korean firms, and three-level random coefficients models, we find that, foreign outside directors, an independent appointment process, professional knowledge of business operations and accumulated firm-specific knowledge are important factors that affect outside directors’ attendance of board meetings. The results also confirm that both outside directors’ personal characteristics and the social context are crucial in understanding their board meeting attendance. Further analysis shows that a positive corporate environment that supports the outside director system encourages outside directors’ attendance at board meetings.
机译: Abstract 外部董事定期出席董事会会议对于提高治理效率非常重要系统。这样的出席证明了他们对公司作为监督和决策中其他重要参与者的承诺。使用针对韩国公司的独特数据集和三级随机系数模型,我们发现,外国外部董事,独立任命过程,业务运营专业知识和积累的公司特定知识是影响外部董事出勤的重要因素。董事会会议。结果还证实,外部董事的个人特征和社会背景对于理解其董事会会议出席率至关重要。进一步的分析表明,支持外部董事制度的积极公司环境会鼓励外部董事参加董事会会议。



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