首页> 外文期刊>Journal of biosocial science >The decline in China’s fertility level: a decomposition analysis

The decline in China’s fertility level: a decomposition analysis


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Many factors have contributed to the decline in China's fertility level. Using China's population census data from 1990, 2000 and 2010, the present study investigates the factors causing the decline in China's fertility rate by decomposing changes in two fertility indices: the total fertility rate (TFR) and the net reproduction rate (NRR). The change in the TFR is decomposed into the change in the marital fertility rate (MFR) and the change in the proportion of married women (PMW). Four factors contribute to the change in the NRR. The following are the main findings. A drop in the MFR caused a decrease in the TFR and the NRR between 1989 and 2000. However, the change in MFR increased TFR and NRR between 2000 and 2010. Marriage postponement caused a decline in the fertility level between 1989 and 2000 as well as between 2000 and 2010. The effect of the MFR and marriage postponement varied with age and region and also between urban and rural areas.
机译:许多因素导致了中国生育率的下降。本研究使用1990年,2000年和2010年的中国人口普查数据,通过分解两个生育指数(总生育率(TFR)和净生育率(NRR))的变化,研究了导致中国生育率下降的因素。 TFR的变化分解为婚姻生育率(MFR)的变化和已婚妇女比例(PMW)的变化。四个因素导致NRR的变化。以下是主要发现。 MFR的下降导致1989年至2000年之间的TFR和NRR下降。但是,MFR的变化在2000年至2010年之间增加了TFR和NRR。婚姻的推迟导致1989年至2000年之间的生育率下降,以及在2000年至2010年期间。MFR和婚姻推迟的影响随年龄和地区以及城市和农村地区而变化。



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