首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Behavioral Decision Making >The Effect of Recipient Identifiability and Neediness on Children's Sharing Behavior

The Effect of Recipient Identifiability and Neediness on Children's Sharing Behavior


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The identifiable victim effect refers to people's greater willingness to share resources with identified targets (about whom they have some identifying information) than to share with unidentified or statistical targets. Previous research examining adults' behavior suggests that identifiable targets arouse in the perceiver an intense emotional reaction that, in turn, increases sharing especially when the target is perceived as needy. In the current research, we examine whether the spontaneous reaction toward an identifiable, needy target and the increase in sharing with such a target appears in young children's sharing behavior and when in early childhood it develops. The results suggest that adding identifying information about a needy recipient increases sharing only in older children (above the age of 5.5) and in children who have acquired higher levels of theory of mind (independent of age). Mediation-moderation analysis suggests that theory of mind mediates the relation between age and sharing mainly when a specific, needy recipient is presented. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:可识别的受害人效应是指人们更愿意与已确定目标(他们具有一些识别信息的目标)共享资源,而不是与未确定目标或统计目标共享资源。先前研究成年人行为的研究表明,可识别的目标会引起感知者强烈的情绪反应,反过来会增加分享,特别是当目标被视为有需要时。在当前的研究中,我们研究了对一个可识别的,有需要的目标的自发反应以及与该目标的分享增加是否出现在幼儿的分享行为中以及在儿童早期发展时。结果表明,添加有关有需要的受助人的识别信息只会增加年龄较大的孩子(5.5岁以上)和获得较高心理理论水平的孩子(与年龄无关)的共享。中介调节分析表明,心智理论主要是在提出特定的,有需要的接受者时,介导年龄与分享之间的关系。版权所有(c)2015 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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