首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders >The ‘Reading the Mind in Films’ Task [Child Version]: Complex Emotion and Mental State Recognition in Children with and without Autism Spectrum Conditions

The ‘Reading the Mind in Films’ Task [Child Version]: Complex Emotion and Mental State Recognition in Children with and without Autism Spectrum Conditions


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Children with autism spectrum conditions (ASC) have difficulties recognizing others’ emotions. Research has mostly focused on basic emotion recognition, devoid of context. This study reports the results of a new task, assessing recognition of complex emotions and mental states in social contexts. An ASC group (n = 23) was compared to a general population control group (n = 24). Children with ASC performed lower than controls on the task. Using task scores, more than 87% of the participants were allocated to their group. This new test quantifies complex emotion and mental state recognition in life-like situations. Our findings reveal that children with ASC have residual difficulties in this aspect of empathy. The use of language-based compensatory strategies for emotion recognition is discussed.
机译:患有自闭症谱系障碍(ASC)的儿童很难识别他人的情绪。研究主要集中在基本的情感识别上,没有上下文。这项研究报告了一项新任务的结果,该任务评估了在社会环境中对复杂情绪和精神状态的认可。将ASC组(n = 23)与普通人群对照组(n = 24)进行比较。患有ASC的儿童在这项任务上的表现低于对照组。使用任务分数,超过87%的参与者被分配到了他们的小组。这项新测试量化了逼真的情况下复杂的情绪和心理状态识别。我们的研究结果表明,患有ASC的儿童在同理心方面仍然有困难。讨论了使用基于语言的补偿策略进行情绪识别。



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