首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders >Self-Reported Autism Symptoms in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Self-Reported Autism Symptoms in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders


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Scores on the autism spectrum quotient (AQ) were examined in 65 adults with ASD. Maternal reports of symptoms were collected simultaneously using the autism diagnostic interview-revised (ADI-R) and the Vineland Screener. A slightly revised AQ administration procedure was used to accommodate adults with below average IQ. AQ scores were lower than in the original validation study, with only 11 adults (17%) scoring above the proposed diagnostic cut-off and 24 (27%) exceeding the screening cut-off. Adults with higher IQs endorsed more symptoms than those with below average intelligence, but even when analyses were restricted to the 39 adults with at least average IQ, only 44% met the screening cut-off. AQ scores were not significantly correlated with ADI-R or Vineland scores.
机译:在65名ASD成人中检查了自闭症频谱商(AQ)的得分。使用自闭症诊断访谈修订版(ADI-R)和Vineland Screener同时收集母亲的症状报告。使用略微修改的AQ管理程序来容纳智商低于平均水平的成年人。 AQ得分低于最初的验证研究,只有11名成年人(17%)得分高于建议的诊断标准,有24名(27%)超过了筛查标准。智商较高的成年人比智力低于平均水平的成年人认可更多的症状,但是即使分析仅限于智商平均水平最低的39名成年人,也只有44%符合筛查标准。 AQ得分与ADI-R或Vineland得分没有显着相关。



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