首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Association for Information Systems >The Adoption of Online Shopping Assistants:Perceived Similarity as an Antecedent to Evaluative Beliefs*

The Adoption of Online Shopping Assistants:Perceived Similarity as an Antecedent to Evaluative Beliefs*


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In recent work, researchers have supplemented traditional IS adoption models with new constructs that capture nusers’ relational, social, and emotional beliefs. These beliefs have given rise to questions regarding their nantecedents and the nature of the user-artifact relationship. This paper sheds light on these questions by nasserting that users perceive and respond to information technology (IT) artifacts as social partners and form nperceptions about their social characteristics. Subsequently, users’ perceptions of the similarity of these ncharacteristics to their own affect evaluations of these artifacts. Within the context of online shopping and using nan automated shopping assistant, our paper draws upon social psychology and human-computer interaction nresearch in developing hypotheses regarding the effects of perceived personality similarity (PPS) and perceived ndecision process similarity (PDPS) on a number of beliefs (enjoyment, social presence, trust, ease of use, and nusefulness). The results indicate that PDPS acts as an antecedent to these beliefs, while the effects of PPS are nlargely mediated by PDPS. Furthermore, the results reveal that the effects of perceived similarity, in general, nexceed those of the effects of the individual assessments of the user’s and the assistant’s personalities and ndecision processes. These results have important implications for IS design. They highlight the importance of ndesigning artifacts that can be matched to users’ characteristics. They also underscore the importance of nconsidering similarity perceptions rather than solely focusing on perceptions of the IT artifact’s characteristics; a ncommon approach in IS adoption research.
机译:在最近的工作中,研究人员用新的结构补充了传统IS采纳模型,这些结构捕获了使用者的关系,社会和情感信念。这些信念引起了关于它们的先例和用户与人为因素关系的性质的疑问。本文通过揭露用户将信息技术(IT)工件视为社会伙伴并对其做出回应,形成对他们的社会特征的看法,从而阐明了这些问题。随后,用户对这些特性与自己的相似性的理解会影响对这些伪像的评估。在在线购物和使用nan自动购物助手的背景下,我们的论文借鉴了社会心理学和人机交互研究,以发展关于人格相似性(PPS)和决策过程相似性(PDPS)对许多人的影响的假设。信念(享受,社交,信任,易用性和顽皮)。结果表明,PDPS是这些信念的先决条件,而PPS的作用主要由PDPS介导。此外,结果还表明,感知相似性的影响通常会超过对用户和助手的个性和决策过程进行单独评估的影响。这些结果对信息系统设计具有重要意义。它们强调了可以与用户特征相匹配的n设计工件的重要性。他们还强调了考虑相似性感知而不是仅仅关注IT工件特性的重要性。 IS采纳研究中的一种常见方法。



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