首页> 外文期刊>Journal of arid environments >A greenhouse study on root dynamics of cactus pears, Opuntia ficus-indica and O. robusta

A greenhouse study on root dynamics of cactus pears, Opuntia ficus-indica and O. robusta


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Over the last 10 years a great interest in spineless cactus pear was shown in the drier areas in terms of both fresh fruit and fodder production. However, there is a lack of knowledge on quantitative data on root dynamics of these plants needed to fully understand its potential under water limiting conditions. This study aimed at quantifying the effects of water stress on the growth of tap roots, side roots and rain roots of the species Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller (cultivar Morado-green cladode) and O. robusta Wendl. (cultivar Monterey-blue cladode). One-year-old cladodes were planted in root boxes and pots (2002/2003 season) that were kept in the greenhouse at dayight temperatures of 25-30℃/15-18℃. Placing the cladodes flat on the soil, more areoles came in contact with the soil and therefore more roots developed in both species with an average of only 3.4% areole complexes not rooting. Each areole complex formed on average 3 roots. The highest daily tap root growth was 42 and 36 mm for O. ficus-indica and O. robusta, respectively. Tap root growth increased in the morning with water stress for both species but decreased in the afternoon. Side root growth increased with water stress, with that of O. robusta more per tap root than O. ficus-indica. O. robusta showed a finer root system than O. ficus-indica. The side roots grew as much as 8 and 5 mm per day for O. ficus-indica and O. robusta, respectively. Whitish rain roots developed on the established roots within the first hour after rewetting the soil and grew for only 3 days. Rain roots grew up to 7 and 5 mm within a day for O. ficus-indica and O. robusta, respectively. Considering all studied aspects of their roots systems, O. robusta appears to be better adapted to drought (less sensitive to water stress) than O. ficus-indica.
机译:在过去的十年中,无论是新鲜水果还是饲料生产,在较干燥的地区对无脊椎仙人掌梨表现出极大的兴趣。然而,缺乏关于这些植物的根系动态的定量数据的知识,以完全了解其在水分限制条件下的潜力。这项研究旨在量化水分胁迫对仙人掌榕-印度米勒(Morado-green cladode)和罗布斯塔·温德尔(O.robusta Wendl)物种的自来根,侧根和雨根生长的影响。 (品种蒙特利-蓝色披肩)。将一岁的枝条种植在根箱和盆中(2002/2003季节),将它们放在日间温度为25-30℃/ 15-18℃的温室中。将金属丝包层平放在土壤上,更多的槟榔与土壤接触,因此在这两个物种中都有更多的根发育,平均只有3.4%的槟榔复合物没有生根。每个异戊烯复合物平均形成3个根。 O. ficus-indica和O.robusta的每日最高自根生长分别为42和36 mm。两种水分胁迫下,自来根的生长均在早晨增加,而下午则降低。侧根的生长随水分胁迫而增加,每根自生根的罗汉果比印度榕树多。罗布斯显示出比印度榕更细的根系。榕印度。和罗布斯day的侧根每天分别增长8毫米和5毫米。在重新润湿土壤后的第一小时内,白色雨滴根便在根部生长,仅生长了3天。榕印度O和罗布斯a的雨根一天内分别长到7毫米和5毫米。考虑到其根系的所有研究方面,罗汉果似乎比印度榕更能适应干旱(对水分胁迫的敏感性较低)。



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