首页> 外文期刊>Journal of architectural and planning research >Suburban Decentralization And The New Urbanism:a Pragmatic Inquiry Into Value-based Claims

Suburban Decentralization And The New Urbanism:a Pragmatic Inquiry Into Value-based Claims


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Whether cities and regions will continue to decentralize - or whether they will adopt strategies to grow differently, such as the New Urbanism - is a key decision for localities in the United States during the current era of development. One of the difficulties in discussing potential futures is that in order to decide which course of action should be taken, a value claim must be made. Contemporary society's troubled relationship with values often prevents planners, designers, and writers from elucidating the value positions that undergird their plans and designs. Pragmatist philosophy offers a method for inquiry into values. This type of consideration is generally missing from contemporary discourses around built space. This paper examines and compares the value orientations of two prominent schools of thought on urban/ suburban development: suburban decentralization and the New Urbanism. Can the approach to inquiry advocated by pragmatist philosophy clarify debate on current issues in urban design and development?



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