首页> 外文期刊>Japanese journal of applied physics >Relationship between crystal defects and leakage current in beta-Ga2O3 Schottky barrier diodes

Relationship between crystal defects and leakage current in beta-Ga2O3 Schottky barrier diodes


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We fabricated Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) on the entire surface of a (010) beta-Ga2O3 single crystal, and investigated the leakage current in both forward and reverse directions. Subsequently, we investigated the distribution of dislocation and void etch pits on the entire surface. The dislocation etch pit density on the surface ranged from < 1 x 10(3) to 6 x 10(4), and its average was 1.1 x 10(4) cm(-2). The void etch pit density on the surface ranged from < 5 x 10(2) to 7 x 10(3), and its average was 6 x 10(3) cm(-2). From a comparison between the SBD leakage current and the dislocation and void etch pit densities, we found that dislocations are closely related to the SBD reverse leakage current, and that not all voids produce the leakage current. (C) 2016 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
机译:我们在(010)beta-Ga2O3单晶的整个表面上制作了肖特基势垒二极管(SBD),并研究了正向和反向的泄漏电流。随后,我们研究了整个表面上的位错和空蚀坑的分布。表面上的位错蚀刻坑密度范围从<1 x 10(3)到6 x 10(4),其平均值为1.1 x 10(4)cm(-2)。表面上的空蚀坑密度在<5 x 10(2)至7 x 10(3)的范围内,其平均值为6 x 10(3)cm(-2)。通过比较SBD泄漏电流与位错和空隙蚀刻坑的密度,我们发现位错与SBD反向漏电流密切相关,并非所有空隙都会产生漏电流。 (C)2016年日本应用物理学会



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